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Packages » VectorGraphics :: Circle
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Circle -- An SVG circle


An SVG circle. The two compulsory options are Center (coordinates of the center) and Radius (radius). Instead of the radius, one can specify any point of the circle. In 3d, gives a decent approximation of a sphere.

i1 : Circle{Center=>vector {10,10},Radius=>1,"fill"=>"green","stroke"=>"none"}

o1 = Circle{cache => CacheTable{}              }
            Center => GraphicsCoordinate | 10 |
                                         | 10 |
                                         |  0 |
                                         |  1 |
            Radius => 1
            style => MutableHashTable{...2...}

o1 : Circle
i2 : Circle{[10,10],1} -- equivalent syntax for coordinates

o2 = Circle{cache => CacheTable{}              }
            Center => GraphicsCoordinate | 10 |
                                         | 10 |
                                         |  0 |
                                         |  1 |
            Radius => 1
            style => MutableHashTable{}

o2 : Circle
i3 : gList(oo,Circle{[0,0],[10,10]})

o3 = GraphicsList{cache => CacheTable{}                                                                                 }
                  Contents => {Circle{cache => CacheTable{}              }, Circle{cache => CacheTable{}              }}
                                      Center => GraphicsCoordinate | 10 |          Center => GraphicsCoordinate | 0 |
                                                                   | 10 |                                       | 0 |
                                                                   |  0 |                                       | 0 |
                                                                   |  1 |                                       | 1 |
                                      Radius => 1                                  Radius => GraphicsCoordinate | 10 |
                                      style => MutableHashTable{}                                               | 10 |
                                                                                                                |  0 |
                                                                                                                |  1 |
                                                                                   style => MutableHashTable{}
                  style => MutableHashTable{}

o3 : GraphicsList

Types of Circle:

For the programmer

The object Circle is an instance of the type GraphicsType, with ancestor classes Ellipse < GraphicsObject < GraphicsAncestor < HashTable < Thing.