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Packages » VectorGraphics :: Light
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Light -- A source of light


A source of light for a 3d SVG picture. This corresponds to the SVG "specular" lighting, use the property Specular. The location is given by Center. By default a Light is invisible (it has opacity 0) and is unaffected by matrix transformations outside it (Static true).

i1 : Light{"fill"=>"yellow","opacity"=>1}

o1 = Light{Blur => .3                        }
           cache => CacheTable{}
           Center => GraphicsCoordinate | 0 |
                                        | 0 |
                                        | 0 |
                                        | 1 |
           "fill" => yellow
           "opacity" => 1
           Radius => 10
           Specular => 64
           Static => true
           "stroke" => none
           style => MutableHashTable{...3...}

o1 : Light
i2 : v={[74.5571, 52.0137, -41.6631],[27.2634, -29.9211, 91.4409],[-81.3041, 57.8325, 6.71156],[-20.5165, -79.9251, -56.4894]};
i3 : f={{v#2,v#1,v#0},{v#0,v#1,v#3},{v#0,v#3,v#2},{v#1,v#2,v#3}};
i4 : c={"red","green","blue","yellow"};
i5 : tetra=gList(apply(0..3,i->Polygon{f#i,"fill"=>c#i,"stroke"=>"none"}),

o5 = tetra

o5 : GraphicsList

For the programmer

The object Light is an instance of the type GraphicsType, with ancestor classes Circle < Ellipse < GraphicsObject < GraphicsAncestor < HashTable < Thing.