Must be used as styling options "marker-start", "marker-mid" or "marker-end", to add an arrow to a path. Argument is size of arrow.
i1 : Polyline{PointList=>{[0,0],[50,50],[0,100],[50,150]},"stroke"=>"yellow","stroke-width"=>5,"marker-end"=>arrow(10,"fill"=>"orange"),Margin=>0.3} o1 = Polyline{cache => CacheTable{} } Margin => .3 PointList => {| 0 |, | 50 |, | 0 |, | 50 |} | 0 | | 50 | | 100 | | 150 | | 0 | | 0 | | 0 | | 0 | | 1 | | 1 | | 1 | | 1 | style => MutableHashTable{...3...} o1 : Polyline
The object arrow is a function closure.