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Packages » WeylAlgebras > makeWeylAlgebra > createDpairs
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createDpairs -- pairs coordinate and derivation variables in a Weyl algebra



Since the Weyl algebra has commutation rules, this routine attaches to the Weyl algebra two keys to organize the variables. The first key 'dpairVars' contains 3 lists: a list of the coordinate variables, a list of the derivative variables, and a list of the central variables. The second key 'dpairInds' also contains 3 lists of the corresponding indices to 'dpairVars'.
i1 : W = QQ[x,y,Dx,Dy, WeylAlgebra => {x=>Dx,y=>Dy}]

o1 = W

o1 : PolynomialRing, 2 differential variable(s)
i2 : createDpairs W
i3 : W.dpairVars

o3 = {{x, y}, {Dx, Dy}, {}}

o3 : List
i4 : W.dpairInds

o4 = {{0, 1}, {2, 3}, {}}

o4 : List

See also

Ways to use createDpairs:

For the programmer

The object createDpairs is a method function.