P = gfanFanCommonRefinement(F,G)
This method takes two Fans and finds their common refinement.
In the following, F is the fan with two cones partitions the plane along the line $y=x$ while G has two cones that partition the plane along $y = x/2$. The common refinement of these two fans is the fan of the four cones between these two lines.
In the next example we take two half planes which overlap in the first quadrant. Their common refinement is simply their intersection.
gfan Documentation
This program takes two polyhedral fans and computes their common refinement.
-i1 value:
Specify the name of the first input file.
-i2 value:
Specify the name of the second input file.
Compute the stable intersection.
The object gfanFanCommonRefinement is a method function with options.