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Packages » gfanInterface :: gfanInitialForms
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gfanInitialForms -- initial forms of polynomials with respect to a weight vector



This method gives the initial forms of a list of polynomials. If the "ideals" option is used, generators for the initial ideal are given. If the "pair" option is used, then the output is a pair of MarkedPolynomialLists.

i1 : QQ[x,y,z]

o1 = QQ[x..z]

o1 : PolynomialRing
i2 : L = {x + y, x + z}

o2 = {x + y, x + z}

o2 : List
i3 : gfanInitialForms(L, {1,2,1})

o3 = {y, x + z}

o3 : List
i4 : gfanInitialForms(L, {1,2,1}, "ideal"=>true)

o4 = {x + z, y}

o4 : List
i5 : gfanInitialForms(L, {1,2,1}, "ideal"=>true, "pair"=>true)

o5 = {{x + z, y}, {x + z, y - z}}

o5 : List
i6 : gfanInitialForms({x*y+z, x*z + y}, {1,1,1}, "ideal"=>true)

            2    2
o6 = {x*z, y  - z , x*y}

o6 : List

gfan Documentation

This program converts a list of polynomials to a list of their initial forms with respect to the vector given after the list.
 Treat input as an ideal. This will make the program compute the initial ideal of the ideal generated by the input polynomials. The computation is done by computing a Groebner basis with respect to the given vector. The vector must be positive or the input polynomials must be homogeneous in a positive grading. None of these conditions are checked by the program.

 Produce a pair of polynomial lists. Used together with --ideal this option will also write a compatible reduced Groebner basis for the input ideal to the output. This is useful for finding the Groebner cone of a non-monomial initial ideal.

 If the --pair option is and the --ideal option is not used this option will still make sure that the second output basis is marked consistently with the vector.
 Read in a list of vectors instead of a single vector and produce a list of polynomial sets as output.

Ways to use gfanInitialForms :

For the programmer

The object gfanInitialForms is a method function with options.