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HH^ZZ CellComplex -- cohomology of a cell complex



This computes the reduced cohomology in degree r of the labeled cell complex. In particular, it constructs the co-chain complex by dualizing by the label ring, and takes the homology of that chain complex. As an example we can compute the cohomology of the wedge of two circles.

i1 : R = QQ[x]

o1 = R

o1 : PolynomialRing
i2 : a = newSimplexCell({},x);
i3 : b1 = newCell {a,a};
i4 : b2 = newCell {a,a};
i5 : C = cellComplex(R,{b1,b2});
i6 : cohomology(-1,C)

o6 = image 0

o6 : R-module, submodule of R
i7 : cohomology(0,C)

o7 = cokernel {-1} | -x |

o7 : R-module, quotient of R
i8 : cohomology(1,C)

o8 = R

o8 : R-module, free, degrees {2:-1}

Or in a more interesting case, we have the cohomology over the integers of $\mathbb{RP}^3$.

i9 : C = cellComplexRPn(ZZ,3);
i10 : cohomology(0,C)

o10 = cokernel | -1 |

o10 : ZZ-module, quotient of ZZ
i11 : cohomology(1,C)

o11 = image 0

o11 : ZZ-module, submodule of ZZ
i12 : cohomology(2,C)

o12 = cokernel | -2 |

o12 : ZZ-module, quotient of ZZ
i13 : cohomology(3,C)

o13 = ZZ

o13 : ZZ-module, free

See also

Ways to use this method: