realrank F
This method requires generally the program QEPCAD to be installed. Source code and installation instructions for it are available at Downloading and Installing QEPCAD.
Below we compute the real rank of a binary form of degree 7.
i1 : R := QQ[x,y]; i2 : F = 2*x^7+7*x^6*y+168*x^5*y^2+140*x^4*y^3+70*x^3*y^4+21*x^2*y^5+56*x*y^6+4*y^7 7 6 5 2 4 3 3 4 2 5 6 7 o2 = 2x + 7x y + 168x y + 140x y + 70x y + 21x y + 56x*y + 4y o2 : QQ[x..y] i3 : realrank F o3 = 5
In the case when the coefficient ring $K$ contains a variable, say $u$, then the method returns a value $r$ if the real rank of $F$ is $r$ for all the real values of $u$ in the range specified by the option realrank(...,Range=>...). An error is thrown if the answer is not uniform.
i4 : Ru := QQ[u][x,y]; i5 : F = u*x^4*y+2*x^2*y^3 4 2 3 o5 = u*x y + 2x y o5 : QQ[u][x..y] i6 : realrank(F,Range=>(0,infinity)) o6 = 3 i7 : realrank(F,Range=>[-1,0]) o7 = 3 i8 : realrank(F,Range=>(-infinity,-1)) o8 = 3
The object realrank is a method function with options.