A complex is a sequence of objects (e.g. modules), connected by maps called differentials. The composition of any two consecutive maps is zero.
The same data type is used for both chain and cochain complexes. If C is a complex, then we have C^i = C_{-i}.
Often, a complex is most easily described by giving a list of consecutive maps which form the differential.
We construct the Koszul complex on the generators for the ideal of the twisted cubic curve.
i1 : S = ZZ/101[a..d]
o1 = S
o1 : PolynomialRing
i2 : I = ideal(b^2-a*c, b*c-a*d, c^2-b*d)
2 2
o2 = ideal (b - a*c, b*c - a*d, c - b*d)
o2 : Ideal of S
i3 : F1 = map(S^1,,matrix{{I_0, I_1, I_2}})
o3 = | b2-ac bc-ad c2-bd |
1 3
o3 : Matrix S <-- S
i4 : F2 = map(source F1,,matrix{
{0, I_2, -I_1},
{-I_2, 0, I_0},
{I_1, -I_0, 0}
o4 = {2} | 0 c2-bd -bc+ad |
{2} | -c2+bd 0 b2-ac |
{2} | bc-ad -b2+ac 0 |
3 3
o4 : Matrix S <-- S
i5 : F3 = map(source F2,,matrix{{I_0}, {I_1}, {I_2}})
o5 = {4} | b2-ac |
{4} | bc-ad |
{4} | c2-bd |
3 1
o5 : Matrix S <-- S
i6 : C = complex {F1, F2, F3}
1 3 3 1
o6 = S <-- S <-- S <-- S
0 1 2 3
o6 : Complex
i7 : isWellDefined C
o7 = true
To start a complex at a base different from zero, use the optional argument Base.
i8 : C1 = complex({F1, F2, F3}, Base => 1)
1 3 3 1
o8 = S <-- S <-- S <-- S
1 2 3 4
o8 : Complex
i9 : isWellDefined C1
o9 = true
Notice that this changes the homological degrees of the maps, but is not the same as the shift of the complex (which for odd shifts negates the maps).
i10 : dd^C1
1 3
o10 = 1 : S <------------------------- S : 2
| b2-ac bc-ad c2-bd |
3 3
2 : S <-------------------------------- S : 3
{2} | 0 c2-bd -bc+ad |
{2} | -c2+bd 0 b2-ac |
{2} | bc-ad -b2+ac 0 |
3 1
3 : S <----------------- S : 4
{4} | b2-ac |
{4} | bc-ad |
{4} | c2-bd |
o10 : ComplexMap
i11 : dd^(C[-1])
1 3
o11 = 1 : S <---------------------------- S : 2
| -b2+ac -bc+ad -c2+bd |
3 3
2 : S <-------------------------------- S : 3
{2} | 0 -c2+bd bc-ad |
{2} | c2-bd 0 -b2+ac |
{2} | -bc+ad b2-ac 0 |
3 1
3 : S <------------------ S : 4
{4} | -b2+ac |
{4} | -bc+ad |
{4} | -c2+bd |
o11 : ComplexMap
Having constructed this complex, we can access individual terms and maps.
i12 : C_2
o12 = S
o12 : S-module, free, degrees {3:4}
i13 : C^(-1)
o13 = S
o13 : S-module, free, degrees {3:2}
i14 : C^(-1) == C_1
o14 = true
i15 : C_7
o15 = 0
o15 : S-module
i16 : dd^C
1 3
o16 = 0 : S <------------------------- S : 1
| b2-ac bc-ad c2-bd |
3 3
1 : S <-------------------------------- S : 2
{2} | 0 c2-bd -bc+ad |
{2} | -c2+bd 0 b2-ac |
{2} | bc-ad -b2+ac 0 |
3 1
2 : S <----------------- S : 3
{4} | b2-ac |
{4} | bc-ad |
{4} | c2-bd |
o16 : ComplexMap
i17 : dd^C_2
o17 = {2} | 0 c2-bd -bc+ad |
{2} | -c2+bd 0 b2-ac |
{2} | bc-ad -b2+ac 0 |
3 3
o17 : Matrix S <-- S
i18 : length C
o18 = 3
By computing the homology of this complex, we see that these generators do not form a regular sequence, because $H_1(C)$ is non-zero.
i19 : HH C
o19 = cokernel | b2-ac bc-ad c2-bd | <-- subquotient ({2} | d c |, {2} | 0 c2-bd -bc+ad |) <-- subquotient ({4} | b2-ac |, {4} | b2-ac |) <-- image 0
{2} | -c -b | {2} | -c2+bd 0 b2-ac | {4} | bc-ad | {4} | bc-ad |
0 {2} | b a | {2} | bc-ad -b2+ac 0 | {4} | c2-bd | {4} | c2-bd | 3
1 2
o19 : Complex
i20 : prune HH C
o20 = cokernel | c2-bd bc-ad b2-ac | <-- cokernel {3} | c b a |
{3} | -d -c -b |
o20 : Complex
i21 : prune HH_1 C
o21 = cokernel {3} | c b a |
{3} | -d -c -b |
o21 : S-module, quotient of S
Having the input be a matrix is equivalent to having it be a singleton list containing this matrix.
i22 : C' = complex F1
1 3
o22 = S <-- S
0 1
o22 : Complex
i23 : assert isWellDefined C'
i24 : C'' = complex(F1, Base => 3)
1 3
o24 = S <-- S
3 4
o24 : Complex
i25 : assert isWellDefined C''