Let $f: M -> L$ be a map of Lie algebras. Let $F$ be a free Lie algebra together with a surjective homomorphism $p: F -> M$. Define $g: F -> L$ as the composition $g=f*p$. A derivation $dF:F -> L$ over $g$ is defined by defining $dF$ on the generators of $F$ and then extending $dF$ to all of $F$ by the derivation rule $dF$ [x, y] = [$dF$ x, $g$ y] ± [$g$ x, $dF$ y], where the sign is plus if sign$(d)=0$ or sign$(x)=0$ and minus otherwise. The output
d represents the induced map $M -> L$, which might not be well defined. That the derivation is indeed well defined may be checked (up to a certain degree) using
isWellDefined(ZZ,LieDerivation). When no $f$ of class
LieAlgebraMap is given as input, the derivation $d$ maps $L$ to $L$ (and $f$ is the identity map). In this case, the set $D$ of elements of class
LieDerivation is a graded Lie algebra with Lie multiplication using SPACE. If $L$ has differential $del$, then $D$ is a differential Lie algebra with differential $d -> $[$del$,$d$]. If $e$ is the Euler derivation on $L$, then $d -> $[$e$,$d$] is the Euler derivation on $D$.
- Usage:
i1 : L=lieAlgebra({x,y},Signs=>1)
o1 = L
o1 : LieAlgebra
i2 : M=lieAlgebra({a,b},Weights=>{2,2})/{b a b}
o2 = M
o2 : LieAlgebra
i3 : f = map(L,M,{x x,0_L})
warning: the map might not be well defined,
use isWellDefined
o3 = f
o3 : LieAlgebraMap
i4 : d = lieDerivation(f,{x,y})
warning: the derivation might not be well defined, use isWellDefined
o4 = d
o4 : LieDerivation
i5 : isWellDefined(6,d)
the derivation is well defined for all degrees
o5 = true
i6 : describe d
o6 = a => x
b => y
map => f
sign => 1
weight => {-1, 0}
source => M
target => L
i7 : d a b
o7 = - (y x x)
o7 : L
- Usage:
defs, a list, the values of the generators
i8 : L=lieAlgebra({x,y},Signs=>1)
o8 = L
o8 : LieAlgebra
i9 : e = euler L
o9 = e
o9 : LieDerivation
i10 : d1 = lieDerivation{x y,0_L}
o10 = d1
o10 : LieDerivation
i11 : d3 = lieDerivation{x x x y,0_L}
o11 = d3
o11 : LieDerivation
i12 : describe d3
o12 = x => - (1/2)(x y x x)
y => 0
map => id_L
sign => 1
weight => {3, 0}
source => L
target => L
i13 : e d1
o13 = d1
o13 : LieDerivation
i14 : e d3
o14 = derivation from L to L
o14 : LieDerivation
i15 : oo===3 d3
o15 = true