InvolutiveBasis -- the class of all involutive bases
Functions and methods returning an object of class InvolutiveBasis:
invSyzygies -- compute involutive basis of syzygies
janetBasis -- compute Janet basis for an ideal or a submodule of a free module
Methods that use an object of class InvolutiveBasis:
basisElements(InvolutiveBasis) -- see basisElements -- extract the matrix of generators from an involutive basis or factor module basis
factorModuleBasis(InvolutiveBasis) -- see factorModuleBasis -- enumerate standard monomials
invNoetherNormalization(InvolutiveBasis) -- see invNoetherNormalization -- Noether normalization
invReduce(Matrix,InvolutiveBasis) -- see invReduce -- compute normal form modulo involutive basis by involutive reduction
invReduce(RingElement,InvolutiveBasis) -- see invReduce -- compute normal form modulo involutive basis by involutive reduction
invSyzygies(InvolutiveBasis) -- see invSyzygies -- compute involutive basis of syzygies
isPommaretBasis(InvolutiveBasis) -- see isPommaretBasis -- check whether or not a given Janet basis is also a Pommaret basis
janetResolution(InvolutiveBasis) -- see janetResolution -- construct a free resolution for a given ideal or module using Janet bases
multVar(InvolutiveBasis) -- see multVar -- extract the sets of multiplicative variables for each generator (in several contexts)