In the following example we construct the minimal resolution of the Stanley-Reisner ring of the cyclic polytope $\Delta(4,8)$ of embedding codimension 4 (as a subcomplex of the simplex on 8 vertices) from those of the cyclic polytopes $\Delta(2,6)$ and $\Delta(4,7)$ (the last one being Pfaffian).
This process can be iterated to give a recursive construction of the resolutions of all cyclic polytopes, for details see
J. Boehm, S. Papadakis: On the structure of Stanley-Reisner rings associated to cyclic polytopes,, to appear in Osaka J. Math.
We compare with the combinatorics, that is, check that the Kustin-Miller complex at the special fiber z=0 indeed resolves the Stanley-Reisner ring of $\Delta(4,8)$.
We finish the example by printing the differentials of the Kustin-Miller complex: