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InexactFieldFamily -- the class of all families of inexact fields


All real numbers have the same class, RR, but the rings they belong to depends on the number of binary digits of precision used to represent them. Similarly for complex numbers, which all belong to the class CC. Thus RR and CC are regarded not as inexact fields, but as families of inexact fields.

i1 : x = 1/3.

o1 = .3333333333333333

o1 : RR (of precision 53)
i2 : class x

o2 = RR

o2 : InexactFieldFamily
i3 : ring x

o3 = RR

o3 : RealField
i4 : x = 1/3.p200

o4 = .3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333334

o4 : RR (of precision 200)
i5 : class x

o5 = RR

o5 : InexactFieldFamily
i6 : ring x

o6 = RR

o6 : RealField

See also

Methods that use an inexact field family:

Protected objects of class InexactFieldFamily:

For the programmer

The object InexactFieldFamily is a type, with ancestor classes RingFamily < Type < MutableHashTable < HashTable < Thing.