This family is used to contain classes that correspond to a family of similar rings with a default member.
Types of RingFamily :
Methods that use an object of class RingFamily :
diagonalMatrix(RingFamily,List) -- see diagonalMatrix(Ring,ZZ,ZZ,List) -- make a diagonal matrix from a list
diagonalMatrix(RingFamily,ZZ,ZZ,List) -- see diagonalMatrix(Ring,ZZ,ZZ,List) -- make a diagonal matrix from a list
Constant ^ RingFamily -- see lift -- lift to another ring
Number ^ RingFamily -- see lift -- lift to another ring
matrix(RingFamily,List) -- see matrix(Ring,List) -- create a matrix from a doubly nested list of ring elements or matrices
mutableIdentity(RingFamily,ZZ) -- see mutableIdentity(Ring,ZZ) -- make a mutable identity matrix
mutableMatrix(RingFamily,ZZ,ZZ) -- see mutableMatrix(Ring,ZZ,ZZ) -- make a mutable matrix filled with zeroes
RingFamily ^ List -- see Ring ^ List -- make a free module
RingFamily ^ ZZ -- see Ring ^ ZZ -- make a free module
RingFamily _* -- a unary postfix operator, used for indicating pushforward maps
substitute(Ideal,RingFamily) -- see substitute -- substituting values for variables
substitute(Matrix,RingFamily) -- see substitute -- substituting values for variables
substitute(Module,RingFamily) -- see substitute -- substituting values for variables
substitute(Number,RingFamily) -- see substitute -- substituting values for variables
substitute(RingElement,RingFamily) -- see substitute -- substituting values for variables
substitute(Vector,RingFamily) -- see substitute -- substituting values for variables
Fixed objects of class RingFamily :
CC -- the class of all complex numbers
RR -- the class of all real numbers
RRi -- the class of all real intervals