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basic arithmetic of matrices


To add two matrices, use the + operator.
i1 : ff = matrix{{1,2,3},{4,5,6}}

o1 = | 1 2 3 |
     | 4 5 6 |

              2       3
o1 : Matrix ZZ  <-- ZZ
i2 : gg = matrix{{4,5,6},{1,2,3}}

o2 = | 4 5 6 |
     | 1 2 3 |

              2       3
o2 : Matrix ZZ  <-- ZZ
i3 : ff+gg

o3 = | 5 7 9 |
     | 5 7 9 |

              2       3
o3 : Matrix ZZ  <-- ZZ
The matrices in question must have the same number of rows and columns and also must have the same ring.

Scalars are converted to scalar matrices when necessary.
i4 : matrix {{1, 2}, {3, 4}} + 5

o4 = | 6 2 |
     | 3 9 |

              2       2
o4 : Matrix ZZ  <-- ZZ
This is also true for the other arithmetic operations discussed below.


To subtract two matrices, use the - operator.
i5 : ff-gg

o5 = | -3 -3 -3 |
     | 3  3  3  |

              2       3
o5 : Matrix ZZ  <-- ZZ
The matrices in question must have the same number of rows and columns and also must have the same ring.


To multiply two matrices use the * operator.
i6 : R = ZZ/17[a..l];
i7 : ff = matrix {{a,b,c},{d,e,f}}

o7 = | a b c |
     | d e f |

             2      3
o7 : Matrix R  <-- R
i8 : gg = matrix {{g,h},{i,j},{k,l}}

o8 = | g h |
     | i j |
     | k l |

             3      2
o8 : Matrix R  <-- R
i9 : ff * gg

o9 = | ag+bi+ck ah+bj+cl |
     | dg+ei+fk dh+ej+fl |

             2      2
o9 : Matrix R  <-- R
Suppose we multiply a homogeneous polynomial by a homogeneous matrix. The result ought to be homogeneous, but how can we arrange that? Scalar multiplication should not change the source or target of a map! Instead, we introduce one final complication: each matrix records a degree of its own, which is normally zero, and is used when deciding whether the matrix is homogeneous.
i10 : R = ZZ/101[x,y,z];
i11 : degree matrix {{x^10}}

o11 = {0}

o11 : List
i12 : f = matrix {{x,0,y*z},{0,y^2,x^2}};

              2      3
o12 : Matrix R  <-- R
i13 : degree f

o13 = {0}

o13 : List
Multiplying a matrix by a homogeneous polynomial adds the degree of the polynomial to the degree of the map.
i14 : h = x^10 * f

o14 = | x11 0     x10yz |
      | 0   x10y2 x12   |

              2      3
o14 : Matrix R  <-- R
i15 : degree h

o15 = {10}

o15 : List
i16 : degrees source h

o16 = {{1}, {2}, {2}}

o16 : List
i17 : isHomogeneous h

o17 = true
If you don't like this, you have an alternative. The degree of a tensor product of two matrices is the sum of the degrees, and its source module is the tensor product of the source modules.
i18 : h = x^10 ** f

o18 = | x11 0     x10yz |
      | 0   x10y2 x12   |

              2      3
o18 : Matrix R  <-- R
i19 : degree h

o19 = {0}

o19 : List
i20 : degrees source h

o20 = {{11}, {12}, {12}}

o20 : List
i21 : isHomogeneous h

o21 = true


To raise a square matrix to a power, use the ^ operator.
i22 : ff = matrix{{1,2,3},{4,5,6},{7,8,9}}

o22 = | 1 2 3 |
      | 4 5 6 |
      | 7 8 9 |

               3       3
o22 : Matrix ZZ  <-- ZZ
i23 : ff^4

o23 = | 7560  9288  11016 |
      | 17118 21033 24948 |
      | 26676 32778 38880 |

               3       3
o23 : Matrix ZZ  <-- ZZ

inverse of a matrix

If a matrix f is invertible, then f^-1 will work.


To check whether two matrices are equal, one can use ==.
i24 : ff == gg

o24 = false
i25 : ff == ff

o25 = true
However, given two matrices ff and gg, it can be the case that ff - gg == 0 returns true but ff == gg returns false.
i26 : M = R^{1,2,3}

o26 = R

o26 : R-module, free, degrees {-1, -2, -3}
i27 : N = R^3

o27 = R

o27 : R-module, free
i28 : ff = id_M

o28 = {-1} | 1 0 0 |
      {-2} | 0 1 0 |
      {-3} | 0 0 1 |

              3      3
o28 : Matrix R  <-- R
i29 : gg = id_N

o29 = | 1 0 0 |
      | 0 1 0 |
      | 0 0 1 |

              3      3
o29 : Matrix R  <-- R
i30 : ff - gg == 0

o30 = true
i31 : ff == gg

o31 = false
Since the degrees attached to the matrices were different, == returned the value false.


To check whether two matrices are not equal, one can use !=:
i32 : ff != gg

o32 = true
From the definition above of ff and gg we see that != will return a value of true if the degrees attached to the matrices are different, even if the entries are the same.


Since tensor product (also known as Kronecker product and outer product) is a functor of two variables, we may compute the tensor product of two matrices. Recalling that a matrix is a map between modules, we may write:
       ff : K ---> L
       gg : M ---> N
       ff ** gg : K ** M  ---> L ** N
i33 : R = ZZ/17[a..l];
i34 : ff = matrix {{a,b,c},{d,e,f}}

o34 = | a b c |
      | d e f |

              2      3
o34 : Matrix R  <-- R
i35 : gg = matrix {{g,h},{i,j},{k,l}}

o35 = | g h |
      | i j |
      | k l |

              3      2
o35 : Matrix R  <-- R
i36 : ff ** gg

o36 = | ag ah bg bh cg ch |
      | ai aj bi bj ci cj |
      | ak al bk bl ck cl |
      | dg dh eg eh fg fh |
      | di dj ei ej fi fj |
      | dk dl ek el fk fl |

              6      6
o36 : Matrix R  <-- R

See also