Consider the ring
R and the matrix
i1 : R = QQ[x,y,z];
i2 : f = matrix{{2,x,y,x^2},{z,32,2,x}}
o2 = | 2 x y x2 |
| z 32 2 x |
2 4
o2 : Matrix R <-- R
From the above output, one sees that Macaulay2 considers
f as a linear transformation. Use the
target command to obtain the target of the linear transformation
i3 : M = target f
o3 = R
o3 : R-module, free
Free modules are actually graded free modules, with the same sort of grading that the ring comes with. The degrees of the basis vectors of the target are always zero.
i4 : degree M_0
o4 = {0}
o4 : List
i5 : degree M_1
o5 = {0}
o5 : List
Likewise, to obtain the source of our linear transformation, use the
source command.
i6 : N = source f
o6 = R
o6 : R-module, free, degrees {3:1, 2}
If possible, the degrees of the basis vectors of the source are set so that the map
f turns out to a homogeneous map of degree zero. This opportunism is important because certain algorithms will run faster on homogeneous maps.
i7 : degree N_0
o7 = {1}
o7 : List
i8 : degree N_1
o8 = {1}
o8 : List
i9 : degree N_2
o9 = {1}
o9 : List
i10 : degree N_3
o10 = {2}
o10 : List
i11 : isHomogeneous f
o11 = false
A list of the degrees of all the basis vectors can be obtained with
i12 : degrees N
o12 = {{1}, {1}, {1}, {2}}
o12 : List
It may happen that the matrix can not be made homogeneous. In that case, the degree of a basis vector is currently set to the degree of the largest monomial occurring in the corresponding column of the matrix. In a future version of the program it might be more sensible to set the degrees of the basis vectors all to zero.
i13 : g = matrix {{x,0,y*z},{y^2,x^2,0}}
o13 = | x 0 yz |
| y2 x2 0 |
2 3
o13 : Matrix R <-- R
i14 : isHomogeneous g
o14 = false
i15 : degrees source g
o15 = {{2}, {2}, {2}}
o15 : List
number of rows or columns
numgens to obtain the rank of a free module. Combining it with the commands
target or
source gives us a way to determine the number of rows or columns of a matrix
i16 : numgens target f
o16 = 2
i17 : numgens source f
o17 = 4
extracting an element from a matrix
To extract the
(i,j)-th element of a matrix, type
i18 : f_(1,3)
o18 = x
o18 : R
Note that the first number selects the row, starting at
0 and the second number selects the column, also starting at
entries of a matrix
To obtain the entries of a matrix in the form of a list of lists, use the
entries command.
i19 : entries f
o19 = {{2, x, y, x }, {z, 32, 2, x}}
o19 : List
Note that each inner list is a list of elements from a row of
ring command can be used to return the ring of the matrix, that is, the ring containing entries of the matrix.
i20 : ring f
o20 = R
o20 : PolynomialRing
Use the
describe command to recover how the ring of
f was constructed.
i21 : describe ring f
o21 = QQ[x..z, Degrees => {3:1}, Heft => {1}]