In the following example, compare the rank of the source of the basis map to the number provided by hilbertFunction.
The standard meaning of subscripts on functions permits a simpler syntax to be used.
Here is a singly graded example.
Here is an example with a module.
Here is an example with an ideal.
If d is not given, then a function is returned that will accept different values of d.
It can be much faster to compute a basis for the desired degree, because hilbertFunction works by expanding the Hilbert series to a sufficiently high order, thus, in effect, computing many values of the Hilbert function simultaneously. If several values of the Hilbert function are desired, it is best to compute the ones of higher degree first, so the expansion will be done to sufficiently high order at the first attempt, and thus be done just once.
The object hilbertFunction is a method function.