Macaulay2 » Documentation
Packages » MonodromySolver :: MonodromySolverOptions
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Here are some options for the solvers. The current defaults for a given solver may be accessed like so:

i1 : options monodromySolve

o1 = OptionTable{AugmentEdgeCount => 0                                }
                 AugmentGraphFunction => null
                 AugmentNodeCount => 0
                 AugmentNumberOfRepeats => null
                 BatchSize => infinity
                 EdgesSaturated => false
                 Equivalencer => null
                 FilterCondition => null
                 GraphInitFunction => completeGraphInit
                 "new tracking routine" => true
                 NumberOfEdges => null
                 NumberOfNodes => null
                 NumberOfRepeats => 10
                 PointArrayTol => .0001
                 Potential => null
                 Randomizer => null
                 SelectEdgeAndDirection => selectFirstEdgeAndDirection
                 StoppingCriterion => null
                 TargetSolutionCount => null
                 Verbose => false

o1 : OptionTable

List of Options

For the programmer

The object MonodromySolverOptions is a symbol.