i4 : time X = Phi^* Y;
-- used 3.13682s (cpu); 2.42827s (thread); 0s (gc)
o4 : ProjectiveVariety, curve in PP^3 x PP^2 x PP^4 (subvariety of codimension 2 in threefold in PP^3 x PP^2 x PP^4 cut out by 12 hypersurfaces of multi-degrees (0,0,2)^1 (0,1,1)^2 (1,0,1)^7 (1,1,0)^2 )
i5 : dim X, degree X, degrees X
o5 = (1, 31, {({0, 0, 2}, 1), ({0, 0, 3}, 4), ({0, 1, 1}, 4), ({0, 4, 1}, 1),
({0, 8, 0}, 1), ({1, 0, 1}, 7), ({1, 0, 2}, 4), ({1, 1, 0}, 2), ({1, 2,
0}, 1), ({1, 4, 0}, 1), ({2, 0, 1}, 2), ({2, 1, 0}, 2), ({3, 0, 1}, 2),
({3, 1, 0}, 1), ({4, 0, 0}, 4)})
o5 : Sequence