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Python -- interface to Python


This package provides a basic interface to run Python code within Macaulay2 and to convert back and forth between Python and Macaulay2 objects.

i1 : toPython {1, 2/3, "foo", (1, 2, 3), hashTable {"foo" => "bar"}}

o1 = [1, 0.6666666666666666, 'foo', (1, 2, 3), {'foo': 'bar'}]

o1 : PythonObject of class list
i2 : value pythonValue "[1, 2/3, 'foo', (1, 2, 3), {'foo' : 'bar'}]"

o2 = {1, .666667, foo, (1, 2, 3), HashTable{"foo" => bar}}

o2 : List
i3 : math = import "math"

o3 = <module 'math' (built-in)>

o3 : PythonObject of class module
i4 : math@@sqrt 2

o4 = 1.4142135623730951

o4 : PythonObject of class float



This documentation describes version 0.6 of Python.

Source code

The source code from which this documentation is derived is in the file Python.m2. The auxiliary files accompanying it are in the directory Python/.


  • Types
  • Functions and commands
    • addPyToM2Function -- convenience function for adding value hooks
    • context (missing documentation)
    • getattr -- get an attribute of a python object
    • getitem -- get elements of python sequences
    • hasattr -- whether a python object has an attribute
    • import -- import a Python module
    • objectType -- type of a python object
    • pythonHelp (missing documentation)
    • pythonValue -- execute Python source code from a string
    • runSimpleString -- execute Python source code from a string in __main__
    • setattr -- set an attribute of a python object
    • setitem -- set elements of mutable python sequences
    • toFunction -- convert callable python objects to Macaulay2 functions
    • toPython -- convert Macaulay2 things to Python objects
  • Methods
    • ?? PythonObject (missing documentation)
    • abs(PythonObject) -- absolute value of a python object
    • addPyToM2Function(List,Function,String) -- see addPyToM2Function -- convenience function for adding value hooks
    • addPyToM2Function(String,Function,String) -- see addPyToM2Function -- convenience function for adding value hooks
    • ceiling(PythonObject) -- ceiling of a python object
    • context(String) (missing documentation)
    • describe(PythonObject) (missing documentation)
    • expression(PythonObject) (missing documentation)
    • floor(PythonObject) -- floor of a python object
    • getattr(PythonObject,String) -- see getattr -- get an attribute of a python object
    • PythonObject @@ Thing -- see getattr -- get an attribute of a python object
    • getitem(PythonObject,Thing) -- see getitem -- get elements of python sequences
    • PythonObject _ Thing -- see getitem -- get elements of python sequences
    • hasattr(PythonObject,String) -- see hasattr -- whether a python object has an attribute
    • help(PythonObject) -- documentation for python object
    • import(String) -- see import -- import a Python module
    • isMember(PythonObject,PythonObject) -- see isMember(Thing,PythonObject) -- test membership in a python object
    • isMember(Thing,PythonObject) -- test membership in a python object
    • iterator(PythonObject) -- get iterator of iterable python object
    • length(PythonObject) -- returns the length of a python object
    • net(PythonObject) (missing documentation)
    • next(PythonObject) -- retrieve the next item from a python iterator
    • + PythonObject -- see PythonObject -- a python object
    • - PythonObject -- see PythonObject -- a python object
    • PythonObject % PythonObject -- see PythonObject -- a python object
    • PythonObject % Thing -- see PythonObject -- a python object
    • PythonObject & PythonObject -- see PythonObject -- a python object
    • PythonObject & Thing -- see PythonObject -- a python object
    • PythonObject * PythonObject -- see PythonObject -- a python object
    • PythonObject * Thing -- see PythonObject -- a python object
    • PythonObject + PythonObject -- see PythonObject -- a python object
    • PythonObject + Thing -- see PythonObject -- a python object
    • PythonObject - PythonObject -- see PythonObject -- a python object
    • PythonObject - Thing -- see PythonObject -- a python object
    • PythonObject / PythonObject -- see PythonObject -- a python object
    • PythonObject / Thing -- see PythonObject -- a python object
    • PythonObject // PythonObject -- see PythonObject -- a python object
    • PythonObject // Thing -- see PythonObject -- a python object
    • PythonObject << PythonObject -- see PythonObject -- a python object
    • PythonObject << Thing -- see PythonObject -- a python object
    • PythonObject == PythonObject -- see PythonObject -- a python object
    • PythonObject == Thing -- see PythonObject -- a python object
    • PythonObject >> PythonObject -- see PythonObject -- a python object
    • PythonObject >> Thing -- see PythonObject -- a python object
    • PythonObject ? PythonObject -- see PythonObject -- a python object
    • PythonObject ? Thing -- see PythonObject -- a python object
    • PythonObject @ PythonObject -- see PythonObject -- a python object
    • PythonObject @ Thing -- see PythonObject -- a python object
    • PythonObject ^ PythonObject -- see PythonObject -- a python object
    • PythonObject ^ Thing -- see PythonObject -- a python object
    • PythonObject ^^ PythonObject -- see PythonObject -- a python object
    • PythonObject ^^ Thing -- see PythonObject -- a python object
    • PythonObject | PythonObject -- see PythonObject -- a python object
    • PythonObject | Thing -- see PythonObject -- a python object
    • PythonObject and PythonObject -- see PythonObject -- a python object
    • PythonObject and Thing -- see PythonObject -- a python object
    • PythonObject or PythonObject -- see PythonObject -- a python object
    • PythonObject or Thing -- see PythonObject -- a python object
    • PythonObject xor PythonObject -- see PythonObject -- a python object
    • PythonObject xor Thing -- see PythonObject -- a python object
    • Thing % PythonObject -- see PythonObject -- a python object
    • Thing & PythonObject -- see PythonObject -- a python object
    • Thing * PythonObject -- see PythonObject -- a python object
    • Thing + PythonObject -- see PythonObject -- a python object
    • Thing - PythonObject -- see PythonObject -- a python object
    • Thing / PythonObject -- see PythonObject -- a python object
    • Thing // PythonObject -- see PythonObject -- a python object
    • Thing << PythonObject -- see PythonObject -- a python object
    • Thing == PythonObject -- see PythonObject -- a python object
    • Thing >> PythonObject -- see PythonObject -- a python object
    • Thing ? PythonObject -- see PythonObject -- a python object
    • Thing @ PythonObject -- see PythonObject -- a python object
    • Thing ^ PythonObject -- see PythonObject -- a python object
    • Thing ^^ PythonObject -- see PythonObject -- a python object
    • Thing | PythonObject -- see PythonObject -- a python object
    • Thing and PythonObject -- see PythonObject -- a python object
    • Thing or PythonObject -- see PythonObject -- a python object
    • Thing xor PythonObject -- see PythonObject -- a python object
    • PythonObject %= Thing (missing documentation)
    • PythonObject &= Thing (missing documentation)
    • PythonObject *= Thing (missing documentation)
    • PythonObject += Thing (missing documentation)
    • PythonObject -= Thing (missing documentation)
    • PythonObject //= Thing (missing documentation)
    • PythonObject /= Thing (missing documentation)
    • PythonObject <<= Thing (missing documentation)
    • PythonObject >>= Thing (missing documentation)
    • PythonObject @= Thing (missing documentation)
    • PythonObject ^= Thing (missing documentation)
    • PythonObject ^^= Thing (missing documentation)
    • PythonObject |= Thing (missing documentation)
    • PythonObject ~ -- bitwise not of a python object
    • pythonValue(Sequence) -- see pythonValue -- execute Python source code from a string
    • pythonValue(String) -- see pythonValue -- execute Python source code from a string
    • quotientRemainder(PythonObject,PythonObject) -- quotient and remainder of python objects
    • quotientRemainder(PythonObject,Thing) -- see quotientRemainder(PythonObject,PythonObject) -- quotient and remainder of python objects
    • quotientRemainder(Thing,PythonObject) -- see quotientRemainder(PythonObject,PythonObject) -- quotient and remainder of python objects
    • round(PythonObject) -- see round(ZZ,PythonObject) -- round a python object
    • round(PythonObject,PythonObject) -- see round(ZZ,PythonObject) -- round a python object
    • round(ZZ,PythonObject) -- round a python object
    • PythonObject @@ Thing = Thing -- see setattr -- set an attribute of a python object
    • setattr(PythonObject,String,Thing) -- see setattr -- set an attribute of a python object
    • PythonObject _ Thing = Thing -- see setitem -- set elements of mutable python sequences
    • setitem(PythonObject,Thing,Thing) -- see setitem -- set elements of mutable python sequences
    • texMath(PythonObject) (missing documentation)
    • toExternalString(PythonObject) (missing documentation)
    • PythonObject Thing -- see toFunction -- convert callable python objects to Macaulay2 functions
    • toFunction(PythonObject) -- see toFunction -- convert callable python objects to Macaulay2 functions
    • toPython(Boolean) -- see toPython -- convert Macaulay2 things to Python objects
    • toPython(CC) -- see toPython -- convert Macaulay2 things to Python objects
    • toPython(Constant) -- see toPython -- convert Macaulay2 things to Python objects
    • toPython(Function) -- see toPython -- convert Macaulay2 things to Python objects
    • toPython(HashTable) -- see toPython -- convert Macaulay2 things to Python objects
    • toPython(Nothing) -- see toPython -- convert Macaulay2 things to Python objects
    • toPython(PythonObject) -- see toPython -- convert Macaulay2 things to Python objects
    • toPython(QQ) -- see toPython -- convert Macaulay2 things to Python objects
    • toPython(RR) -- see toPython -- convert Macaulay2 things to Python objects
    • toPython(Sequence) -- see toPython -- convert Macaulay2 things to Python objects
    • toPython(Set) -- see toPython -- convert Macaulay2 things to Python objects
    • toPython(String) -- see toPython -- convert Macaulay2 things to Python objects
    • toPython(VisibleList) -- see toPython -- convert Macaulay2 things to Python objects
    • toPython(ZZ) -- see toPython -- convert Macaulay2 things to Python objects
    • toString(PythonObject) (missing documentation)
    • truncate(PythonObject) -- truncate a python object
    • value(PythonObject) -- convert python objects to Macaulay2 things
  • Symbols
    • dict (missing documentation)
    • eval (missing documentation)
    • expr (missing documentation)
    • Preprocessor (missing documentation)
    • stmt (missing documentation)
    • stmtexpr (missing documentation)
    • symbols (missing documentation)
    • val (missing documentation)
    • valuestring (missing documentation)
  • Mutable symbols
    • dict (missing documentation)
    • eval (missing documentation)
    • expr (missing documentation)
    • stmt (missing documentation)
    • stmtexpr (missing documentation)
    • symbols (missing documentation)
    • val (missing documentation)
    • valuestring (missing documentation)

For the programmer

The object Python is a package.