The purpose of changeVar is to compute a unimodular matrix
A and an invertible change of variables (given as a matrix
B with the inverse change of variables given by
C) so that after multiplying the given unimodular row
U by
A and applying the substitution
B (with
sub(U*A,B)), the first entry of the new row becomes monic in the last variable in the list
This method is primarily used before applying
horrocks, since horrocks requires the first entry of the unimodular row to be monic in the given variable.
i1 : R = ZZ[x]
o1 = R
o1 : PolynomialRing
i2 : U = matrix{{12*x^2+20*x+7,4*x^2+12*x+5,12*x^2+44*x+35}}
o2 = | 12x2+20x+7 4x2+12x+5 12x2+44x+35 |
1 3
o2 : Matrix R <-- R
i3 : isUnimodular U
o3 = true
i4 : (A,B,C) = changeVar(U,{x})
o4 = (| 3024x18+63720x17-952320x16-15154128x15+107756844x14+479809876x13+3995
| -504x13-15996x12-10056x11+2511768x10+9939946x9+16560274x8-699416978x7
| -3024x18-57672x17+1064640x16+12968688x15-132601500x14-202184380x13-37
-1009133585930x4-116618595557x3 1 0 |, | x |, |
0 1 |
240206603531x4+23582871546x3+1 0 6x5-76x4+180x3-26x2-94x-13 |
x |)
o4 : Sequence
i5 : U' = sub(U*A,B)
o5 = | x3+12x2+44x+35 12x2+20x+7
72x7-648x6-974x5+4948x4+4028x3-5198x2-3850x-450 |
1 3
o5 : Matrix R <-- R
i6 : isUnimodular U'
o6 = true
Notice that after multiplying
U by the unimodular matrix
A and applying the change of variables
B (using the
sub command), the first entry in
U' above is now monic in
The order of the variables given in the list matter, as changeVar will construct a change of variable so that the new unimodular row is monic in the
last variable of the list.
In the next example, since we are using the command
changeVar(U,{x,y}) the first entry in the row
sub(U*A,B) will be monic in
i7 : R = ZZ/7[x,y]
o7 = R
o7 : PolynomialRing
i8 : U = matrix{{2*x^2*y+x*y+1,3*x^2*y^2+x*y,5*x^3*y^2+x*y}}
o8 = | 2x2y+xy+1 3x2y2+xy -2x3y2+xy |
1 3
o8 : Matrix R <-- R
i9 : isUnimodular U
o9 = true
i10 : (A,B,C) = changeVar(U,{x,y})
o10 = (| -3 0 0 |, | y x+y |, | -x+y x |)
| 0 1 0 |
| 0 0 1 |
o10 : Sequence
i11 : U' = sub(U*A,B)
o11 = | xy2+y3-3xy-3y2-3 3x2y2-xy3+3y4+xy+y2 -2x2y3+3xy4-2y5+xy+y2 |
1 3
o11 : Matrix R <-- R
i12 : isUnimodular U'
o12 = true
One can also check that the inverse change of variables,
C, will give the matrix
U*A, undoing the change of variables given by
i13 : U'' = sub(U',C)
o13 = | x2y-3xy-3 3x2y2+xy -2x3y2+xy |
1 3
o13 : Matrix R <-- R
i14 : U'' == U*A
o14 = true