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horrocks -- computes a local solution to the unimodular row problem over a localization at a maximal ideal



Given a unimodular row f over a polynomial ring R = S[x_1,\ldots,x_{n-1}][x_n] (where S is either QQ, ZZ, or ZZ/p) and a maximal ideal M in S[x_1,\ldots,x_{n-1}] , horrocks computes a unimodular matrix U over (S[x_1,\ldots,x_{n-1}]_M)[x_n] which solves the unimodular row problem for f. That is, f*U is of the form |1 0 ... 0|.
i1 : S = ZZ[x]

o1 = S

o1 : PolynomialRing
i2 : M = ideal(2,x)

o2 = ideal (2, x)

o2 : Ideal of S
i3 : R = ZZ[x,y]

o3 = R

o3 : PolynomialRing
i4 : f = matrix{{y^2+x^2*y+x,3*y+1,x^2}}

o4 = | x2y+y2+x 3y+1 x2 |

             1      3
o4 : Matrix R  <-- R
i5 : U = horrocks(f,y,M)

o5 = | (-9)/(3x2-9x-1)       (9y+3)/(3x2-9x-1)        
     | (3x2+3y-1)/(3x2-9x-1) (-3x2y-3y2-3x)/(3x2-9x-1)
     | 0                     0                        
     9x2/(3x2-9x-1)            |
     (-3x4-3x2y+x2)/(3x2-9x-1) |
     1                         |

                    3             3
o5 : Matrix (frac R)  <-- (frac R)

It is worth noting that M can be chosen to be an extension of a maximal ideal from S[x_1,\ldots,x_{n-1}] to the ring R. We repeat the above example with this convention.
i6 : R = ZZ[x,y]

o6 = R

o6 : PolynomialRing
i7 : f = matrix{{y^2+x^2*y+x,3*y+1,x^2}}

o7 = | x2y+y2+x 3y+1 x2 |

             1      3
o7 : Matrix R  <-- R
i8 : M = ideal(2,x)

o8 = ideal (2, x)

o8 : Ideal of R
i9 : U = horrocks(f,y,M)

o9 = | (-9)/(3x2-9x-1)       (9y+3)/(3x2-9x-1)        
     | (3x2+3y-1)/(3x2-9x-1) (-3x2y-3y2-3x)/(3x2-9x-1)
     | 0                     0                        
     9x2/(3x2-9x-1)            |
     (-3x4-3x2y+x2)/(3x2-9x-1) |
     1                         |

                    3             3
o9 : Matrix (frac R)  <-- (frac R)

One can check that U is unimodular over (\mathbb{Z}[x]_{(2,x)})[y] (i.e. the determinant is a unit in this ring), and that U solves the unimodular row problem for f (i.e. f*U = |1 0 0|).
i10 : det U

o10 = ------------
      3x  - 9x - 1

o10 : frac R
i11 : f*U

o11 = | 1 0 0 |

                     1             3
o11 : Matrix (frac R)  <-- (frac R)

Before applying horrocks one must guarantee that the first entry in the unimodular row is monic in the given variable. This can be accomplished, for example, by using the method changeVar. One can also use the method getMaxIdeal to construct a maximal ideal to localize at. We demonstrate the use of these methods in the next example.
i12 : R = ZZ/11[x,y]

o12 = R

o12 : PolynomialRing
i13 : f = matrix{{4*x^2-4*x*y+2*y^2+3*x-2*y+3,-2*x^2+2*x*y-4*y^2-2*x-2,-5*x^2-4*x*y-5*y^2+4*x+3*y+5}}

o13 = | 4x2-4xy+2y2+3x-2y+3 -2x2+2xy-4y2-2x-2 -5x2-4xy-5y2+4x+3y+5 |

              1      3
o13 : Matrix R  <-- R
i14 : isUnimodular f

o14 = true
i15 : M = getMaxIdeal(ideal(0_R),{x})

o15 = ideal x

o15 : Ideal of R
i16 : (N,subs,invSubs) = changeVar(f,{x,y})

o16 = (| -5 0 0 |, | x y |, | x y |)
       | 0  1 0 |
       | 0  0 1 |

o16 : Sequence
i17 : g = sub(f*N,subs)

o17 = | 2x2-2xy+y2-4x-y-4 -2x2+2xy-4y2-2x-2 -5x2-4xy-5y2+4x+3y+5 |

              1      3
o17 : Matrix R  <-- R
i18 : U = horrocks(g,y,M)

o18 = | (4x2-3xy-x-2y-2)/(x4+2x2+4x-3)
      | (-2x2+2xy+4x+5y)/(x4+2x2+4x-3)
      | 0                             

                     3             3
o18 : Matrix (frac R)  <-- (frac R)

Again we can check that U is unimodular over ((\mathbb{Z}/11\mathbb{Z})[x]_{(x)})[y] and that U solves the unimodular row problem for g.
i19 : det U

           - 2x - 5
o19 = -----------------
       4     2
      x  + 2x  + 4x - 3

o19 : frac R
i20 : g*U

o20 = | 1 0 0 |

                     1             3
o20 : Matrix (frac R)  <-- (frac R)


horrocks may give undesired results if the given ideal is not actually maximal.

See also

Ways to use horrocks:

For the programmer

The object horrocks is a method function with options.