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Packages » Schubert2 :: Correspondence
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Correspondence -- the class of all correspondences


A correspondence $I$ from from an AbstractVariety $X$ (the source of $I$) to another AbstractVariety $Y$ (the target of $I$) consists of two functions $I_*$ and $I^*$, which take cycles on $X$ to cycles on $Y$ and vice-versa, respectively. In general these functions are not ring maps or even module maps. See Correspondence ^* and Correspondence _* for more info.

Unlike an IncidenceCorrespondence, a general Correspondence need not have an intermediate variety.

Types of Correspondence:

Functions and methods returning an object of class Correspondence:

Methods that use an object of class Correspondence:

For the programmer

The object Correspondence is a type, with ancestor classes MutableHashTable < HashTable < Thing.