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Packages » Schubert2 :: abstractVarietyMap
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abstractVarietyMap -- make an abstract variety morphism



Typically it is inconvenient to have to use this function unless absolutely necessary. Consider whether the morphism you need may be built via one of the built-in maps, for example via map(FlagBundle,AbstractVariety,AbstractSheaf).

i1 : X = point

o1 = point

o1 : an abstract variety of dimension 0
i2 : RX = intersectionRing X

o2 = RX

o2 : PolynomialRing
i3 : Y = abstractProjectiveSpace 3

o3 = Y

o3 : a flag bundle with subquotient ranks {1, 3}
i4 : RY = intersectionRing Y

o4 = RY

o4 : QuotientRing
i5 : fUpper = map(RX, RY, splice{4:0_RX})

o5 = map (RX, RY, {0, 0, 0, 0})

o5 : RingMap RX <-- RY
i6 : fLower = method()

o6 = fLower

o6 : MethodFunction
i7 : fLower RX := a -> promote(a,RY) * ctop last bundles Y;
i8 : incl = abstractVarietyMap(Y,X,fUpper,fLower)

o8 = incl

o8 : a map to Y from point
i9 : integral incl_* 1_RX

o9 = 1

This same example can be done much more easily via:

i10 : X = point

o10 = point

o10 : an abstract variety of dimension 0
i11 : Y = abstractProjectiveSpace 3

o11 = Y

o11 : a flag bundle with subquotient ranks {1, 3}
i12 : incl = map(Y,X,OO_X)

o12 = incl

o12 : a map to Y from point

Ways to use abstractVarietyMap:

For the programmer

The object abstractVarietyMap is a method function with options.