f = flagfVector Delta
A coloring of an abstract simplicial complex $\Delta$ is a labelling of its vertices with colors. The color set of a face is the set of colors of its vertices. Given a set of colors $L$, the flag $f$-number $f_L(\Delta)$ is the number of faces with color set $L$. In this package, a coloring of an abstract simplicial complex is determined by a multigrading of its ambient ring. This method function returns a hashtable whose keys are color sets (or more generally multidegrees) and whose values are the corresponding flag $f$-number.
If we color the $2$-simplex with distinct colors, each color set corresponds to a unique face.
A coloring is proper if no two vertices in the same face have the same color. The bowtie complex has a proper $3$-coloring.
We can compute $i$-th entry of the $f$-vector of $\Delta$ by taking the taking the sum of the flag $f$-numbers over color sets of size $i+1$.
The method function $\operatorname{flagfVector}$ does not check whether the multigrading on ambient ring determines a proper coloring.
The flag $f$-vector is computed as the multigraded Hilbert function of the quotient of an exterior algebra by the corresponding Stanley–Reisner ideal.
Not every grading of the ambient polynomial ring corresponds to a coloring.