g = matrix f
A simplicial map is a map $f \colon \Delta \to \Gamma$ such that for any face $F \subset \Delta$, the image $f(F)$ is contained in a face of $\Gamma$. Since an abstract simplicial complex is, in this package, represented by its Stanley–Reisner ideal in a polynomial ring, the simplicial map $f$ corresponds to a ring map from the ring of $\Delta$ to the ring of $\Gamma$. The ring map is described by a matrix having one row; the entry in the $i$-th column is the image in the ring of $\Gamma$ of the $i$-th variable in the ring $\Delta$. This method returns this matrix.
For the identity map, the matrix of variables in the ambient polynomial ring.
The next map projects an octahedron onto a square.
This matrix is simply extracted from the underlying map of rings.