presRing = presentationRing S
Given a subring $S$ of a quotient ring $Q$, the presentationRing $P$ is a polynomial ring with the same coefficient ring as Q and with one variable for each generator of S. There is a natural map from $P$ to $S$ that sends each variable to its corresponding generator. Elements of the presentationRing represent polynomial combinations of generators. Evaluating a polynomial combination of generators is equal to applying this map. Therefore, $S$ is naturally isomorphic to the quotient of $P$ by the kernel of the this map.
The presentationRing naturally arises when using RingElement // Subring, which takes an element of a subring and expresses it as a polynomial combination of its generators.
Subrings include the field presentationMap, which provides a map from the presentationRing to the ambient(Subring) ring.
The object presentationRing is a method function.