The first version computes a basic Beilinson bundle, i.e. the pullback of a Beilinson bundle from a single factor of a the product PP = P^{n_0} \times ... \times P^{n_{(r-1)}} of r projective spaces.
The second version computes the tensor product of the basic bundles beilinsonBundle(a_i,i,E) for i from 0 to r-1. See also Tate Resolutions on Products of Projective Spaces.
The vector bundle B is represented by its S-module of global sections, which is either the quotient or a submodule of a free S-modules depending on the value of the option BundleType.
The results are stashed in E.TateData.BeilinsonBundles, so they are not recomputed.
The object beilinsonBundle is a method function with options.