If M is a multi-graded module representing a coherent sheaf F on $P^n := P^{n_0} x .. x P^{n_{t-1}}$, the script returns a hash table with entries {a,i} => h^i(F(a)) where a is a multi-index, low<=a<=high in the partial order (thus the value is 0 when i is not in the range 0..sum n.) In case T is a Tate resolution corresponding to an object F in D^b(P^n), then the values returned are the dimensions of the hypercohomology groups of twists of F, and the values can be nonzero in a wider range.
In case the number of factors t is 2, the output of cohomologyMatrix is easier to parse.
The script computes a sufficient part of the Tate resolution for F, and then calls itself in the version for a Tate resolution.
If T is not a large enough part of the Tate resolution, such as W below, then the function collects only the contribution of T to the cohomology table of the Tate resolution, according to the formula in Corollary 0.2 of Tate Resolutions on Products of Projective Spaces.
We can print just the entries representing nonzero cohomology groups:
In the case of two factors (t=2), the same information can be read conveniently from a matrix
where the entry in the a= \{a_0,a_1\} place is sum_i h^i(F(a)*h^i \in ZZ[h]. In the case of more factors, the same format is available through the command
In case of hypercohomology, we write k instead of h^{-1}, and use the cohomology ring ZZ[h,k].
The object cohomologyHashTable is a method function.