Prints the commands which illustrate / test various composition of functions.
We build the example from Section 4 of the paper Tate Resolutions on Products of Projective Spaces which corresponds to a rank 3 vector bundle on P^1xP^1.
T is the part of the Tate resolution, which is complete in the range low to high. (In a wider range some terms are missing or are incorrect)
Alternatively we can recover M from its Beilinson monad derived from T.
We study the corner complex of T at c=\{0,0\} .
The tensor product with E^{\{v\}} is necessary because we work with E instead of $\omega_E$. M can be recovered by applying the bgg functor to P.
It works also for different syzygy modules in the corner complex. It works for all P=ker C.dd_k in the range where C.dd_k is computed completely. We check the case k=1 and k=-2.
Note that we have to take HH^{(-k)} == HH_k because of the homological position in which P sits.
Next we check the functor bgg on S-modules.
The additional entry h in the zero position of the cohomology matrix of uQ indicates that we can recover the original square of the maximal ideal of E from the differential of the first quadrant complex uQ in this specific case.
Next we test reciprocity.
Hence both Lp and RMc are acyclic.
Now we test tateExtension.
Finally we illustrate how shifting the Beilinson window works.
Another shift:
The object composedFunctions is a function closure.