RpiM = directImageComplex(M,I)
RphiN = directImageComplex(J,N,phi)
Let M represent a coherent sheaf F on a product P=P^{n_0}x..xP^{n_{t-1}} of t projective space.
Let $pi: P -> P^I= X_{i \in I} P^{n_i}$ denote the projection onto some factors. We compute a chain complex of S_I modules whose sheafication is $Rpi_* F$.
The algorithm is based on the properties of strands, and the beilinson functor on $P^I$, see Tate Resolutions on Products of Projective Spaces. Note that the resulting complex is a chain complex instead of a cochain complex, so that for example HH^1 RpiM is the module representing $R^1 pi_* F$
In the second version we start with a projective scheme X =Proj(R/J) defined by J in some P^n= Proj R with R \cong K[x_0..x_n] a polynomial ring, an R-module N of representing a sheaf on X, and a matrix phi of homogeneous forms who's rows define a morphism phi: X -> P^m. In particular the 2x2 minors of phi vanish on X, and phi defines a morphism if and only if the entries of phi have no common zero in X. The algorithm passes to the graph of phi in P^n x P^m, and calls the first version of this function.
Here is an example of the first kind.
We compute the direct image complex of M by projecting to the second factor P^2.
HH_{-2} RpiM is artinian, hence its sheafication is zero. Thus the direct image complex in this case is concentrated in the single sheaf $Rpi_* F = R^1pi_* F$
As an example of the second version, we consider the ruled cubic surface scroll X subset P^4 defined by the 2x2 minors of the matrix $$ m= matrix \{ \{x_0,x_1,x_3\},\{x_1,x_2,x_4\} \},$$ and the morphism f: X -> P^1 onto the base. f is defined by ratio of the two rows of m, hence by the 3x2 matrix phi=m^t.
As a module N we take a symmetric power of the cokernel m, twisted by R^{\{d\}}.
Now a different symmetric power and a different twist.
We conclude that the sheaf represented by R0 is O(5)+O(4) on P^1, which is correct because N represents phi^*O(1) and phi_* O_X(H) = O(2)+O(1).
Note that the resulting complex is a chain complex instead of a cochain complex, so that for example HH^i RpiM = HH_{-i} RpiM.
The object directImageComplex is a method function with options.