Finds another (possibly smaller) representation of a D-module. If given a matrix, prunes its cokernel; the result is a matrix whose cokernel is isomorphic.
i1 : W = makeWA(QQ[x,y])
o1 = W
o1 : PolynomialRing, 2 differential variable(s)
i2 : M = matrix{{x,dx},{1,1}}
o2 = | x dx |
| 1 1 |
2 2
o2 : Matrix W <-- W
i3 : Dprune M
o3 = | x-dx |
1 1
o3 : Matrix W <-- W
i4 : Dprune coker M
o4 = cokernel | x-dx |
o4 : W-module, quotient of W
i5 : M = matrix{{x,dx},{x,y}}
o5 = | x dx |
| x y |
2 2
o5 : Matrix W <-- W
i6 : Dprune M
o6 = | dx x xy-xdx |
| y x 0 |
2 3
o6 : Matrix W <-- W