OO( D1 )
Get the associated module $O(D)$ of a Weil Divisor $D$. In the affine case, $O(D)$ is by definition the set of elements $f$ of the fraction field such that $D + Div(f) \geq 0$. We represent this as a module. In the projective case, $O(D)$ is the coherent sheaf of such elements, and hence we represent it as a graded module. For example, consider the following modules on $P^2$.
Next, consider an example on $P^1 \times P^1$.
To get the associated module $O(D)$ for a rational/real divisor $D$, we first obtain a new divisor $D'$ whose coefficients are the floor of the coefficients of $D$, and take $O(D')$ as $O(D)$.
Note that you can call the divisor constructor on the module you construct, but it will only produce a divisor up to linear equivalence (which can mean different things depending on whether or not you are keeping track of the grading).
The output value of this function is stored in the divisor's cache.