map(FlagBundle,AbstractVarietyMap,List) -- make a map from an abstract variety to a flag bundle
Function: map
- Usage:
F, over a variety S, of the form $flagBundle(\{r_0, ..., r_{n-1}\},E)$, say, where $E$ is an abstract sheaf on $S$
f, an abstract variety map from a variety $X$, say, to $S$; or X, an abstract variety, with a structure map $f : X \rightarrow{} S$
b, of the form $\{B_0,...B_{n-1}\}$ whose elements are abstract sheaves on X, with $rank B_i = r_i$, for each i. The sheaves should be effective in the sense that $c_j B_i = 0$ for $j > r_i$. The sum of the sheaves should equal $f^* E$; alternatively, one of them can be omitted and it will be deduced from the condition on the sum.
Optional inputs:
Degree => ..., default value null, the value of this option is ignored
DegreeLift => ..., default value null, the value of this option is ignored
DegreeMap => ..., default value null, the value of this option is ignored
an abstract variety map, the map of abstract varieties $g : X \rightarrow{} F$ over $S$ such that $g^* (E_{i+1}/E_i) = B_i$, for each i, where $0 = E_0 \subseteq{} E_1 \subseteq{} ... \subseteq{} E_n = p^* E$ is the tautological filtration on $F$, and where $p : F \rightarrow{} S$ is the structure map of $F$.