FlagBundle -- the class of all flag bundles
Functions and methods returning an abstract flag bundle:
Methods that use an abstract flag bundle:
bundles(FlagBundle) -- see bundles -- get the list of tautological line bundles on a flag bundle
incidenceCorrespondence(FlagBundle,FlagBundle) -- see incidenceCorrespondence -- build containment correspondence between two Grassmannians
map(FlagBundle,AbstractVariety,AbstractSheaf) -- maps to projective bundles
map(FlagBundle,AbstractVariety,List) -- see map(FlagBundle,AbstractVarietyMap,List) -- make a map from an abstract variety to a flag bundle
map(FlagBundle,AbstractVarietyMap,List) -- make a map from an abstract variety to a flag bundle
map(FlagBundle,FlagBundle) -- forgetful maps of flag varieties
schubertCycle(List,FlagBundle) -- see schubertCycle -- compute Schubert Cycles on a Grassmannian, Fulton-style
schubertCycle(Sequence,FlagBundle) -- see schubertCycle -- compute Schubert Cycles on a Grassmannian, Fulton-style
FlagBundle _ List -- see schubertCycle' -- compute Schubert Cycles on a Grassmannian, Grothendieck-style
FlagBundle _ Sequence -- see schubertCycle' -- compute Schubert Cycles on a Grassmannian, Grothendieck-style
schubertCycle'(List,FlagBundle) -- see schubertCycle' -- compute Schubert Cycles on a Grassmannian, Grothendieck-style
schubertCycle'(Sequence,FlagBundle) -- see schubertCycle' -- compute Schubert Cycles on a Grassmannian, Grothendieck-style
schubertRing(FlagBundle) -- see schubertRing -- get the Schubert ring of a Grassmannian
tautologicalLineBundle(FlagBundle) -- see tautologicalLineBundle -- get the tautological line bundle of a flag bundle or abstract variety