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actionOnDirectImage -- recover the module structure via a Noether normalization



This method provides another representation of the direct image complex.

Let M represent a coherent sheaf G on Y, and let \pi:Y\to P^r be a Noether normalization of Y. Note that \pi is chosen among finite linear projections P^m\to P^r from certain coordinate planes. Each coordinate y_i of P^m gives a multiplication map G\to G(1), and its induced map \pi_{*}G\to (\pi_{*}G)(1). Note that these induced maps provide an O_Y-module structure on \pi_{*}G, in other words, we may recover the O_Y-module F from \pi_{*}G and this action.

If no map is specified, it computes the complex C on P^r and a list of induced maps between chain complexes C\to C(1) on P^r associated to the multiplication by y_0,...,y_m, where C represents the Beilinson monad of \pi_{*}G (or R\pi_{*}U(T)).

If a map is specified by a matrix phi, then it computes the complex C on P^r and a list of induced maps between chain complexes C\to C(1) on P^r associated to the multiplication by y_0,...,y_m, where C represents the Beilinson monad of R(\pi \cdot phi)_{*}F.

When n is quite big compared to r, it is not very efficient to deal with Beilinson bundles on P^n since they have huge rank and presentation matrices. In particular, the method directImageComplex becomes slow down.

The following is an example of direct images of the structure sheaf on a rational normal curve of degree $d$.

i1 : kk=ZZ/101; d=4;
i3 : needsPackage "Resultants";
i4 : vd=veronese(1,d,kk);

o4 : RingMap kk[t ..t ] <-- kk[x ..x ]
                 0   1          0   4
i5 : R=target vd; S=source vd;
i7 : M=R^{1:-1}; I=ann M; J=ker vd;

o8 : Ideal of R

o9 : Ideal of S
i10 : RM=directImageComplex(I,M,matrix vd);
i11 : for i from min RM to max RM list (rank RM_i)

o11 = {16, 48, 48, 16}

o11 : List

RM looks complicated since it is consisted of universal bundles on $P^4$, which are of high rank.

i12 : retTable=actionOnDirectImage(I,M,matrix vd);
We take a finite projection from P^n to P^d as {x   , x   }
                                                 0,0   0,4
i13 : keys retTable

o13 = {0}

o13 : List

We see that 0 is the only key, in other words, there is no other R^i vd_{*} except i=0. To see whether it gives an action on S/J, we can use the test function isAction.

Note that list retTable#i is consisted of maps of chain complexes R^i(\pi \cdot phi)_{*}(y_j) : C\to C(1) where C represents the direct image R^i(\pi \cdot phi)_{*}F. In general, it does not give a right action on C itself. The induced maps on cohomology groups provide a right action.

i14 : isAction(J, apply(dim S, i->prune HH^0 retTable#0#i))

o14 = true

The following is a little more complicated example with nontrivial higher direct images. Let X be the product of two quartic curves C, and f : X \to C be the second projection. Let P, Q be two distinct points of C, and let L = O(P\times C + Q\times C + D) be a line bundle on X where D is the diagonal. We want to compute the higher direct images R^i f_{*}L. We choose C as the Fermat quartic, and choose P, Q as points on the intersection of C and the line V(x_2).

i15 : kk=ZZ/1009;
i16 : (S,E)=productOfProjectiveSpaces({2,2},CoefficientField=>kk);
i17 : f1=S_0^4+S_1^4+S_2^4; f2=S_3^4+S_4^4+S_5^4;
i19 : IX=ideal (f1,f2);

o19 : Ideal of S
i20 : P=matrix{{1,192,0}}; Q=matrix{{192,1,0}};

               1       3
o20 : Matrix ZZ  <-- ZZ

               1       3
o21 : Matrix ZZ  <-- ZZ
i22 : varX=matrix{{S_0,S_1,S_2}}; varY=matrix{{S_3,S_4,S_5}};

              1      3
o22 : Matrix S  <-- S

              1      3
o23 : Matrix S  <-- S
i24 : PX=P||varX; QX=Q||varX;

              2      3
o24 : Matrix S  <-- S

              2      3
o25 : Matrix S  <-- S
i26 : I1=ideal(f2, minors(2,PX)); -- ideal for P*C

o26 : Ideal of S
i27 : I2=ideal(f2, minors(2,QX)); -- ideal for Q*C

o27 : Ideal of S
i28 : I3=ideal(f1,f2, minors(2, varX||varY)); -- ideal for the diagonal D

o28 : Ideal of S
i29 : I=intersect(I1,I2,I3); -- ideal for P*C+Q*C+D

o29 : Ideal of S
i30 : SX=S/IX; Ldual=I/IX;
i32 : betti (LX=Hom(Ldual, SX^1))

              0  1
o32 = total: 10 26
          0:  1  .
          1:  1  1
          2:  .  1
          3:  8 24

o32 : BettiTally

To compute its Tate resolution on the ambient space P^2 \times P^2, we first consider it as a sheaf on P^2 \times P^2, and then take a linear presentation matrix via a truncation.

i33 : phi = map(SX,S,vars SX);

o33 : RingMap SX <-- S
i34 : betti (L=prune pushForward(phi,LX))

              0  1
o34 = total: 10 27
          0:  1  .
          1:  1  1
          2:  .  1
          3:  8 25

o34 : BettiTally
i35 : Ltr = (truncate ({2,2},L))**S^{{2,2}};
i36 : betti res Ltr

              0   1   2  3  4
o36 = total: 60 176 184 80 12
          0: 60 176 184 80 12

o36 : BettiTally

We read off (a finite subquotient of) the Tate resolution of Rf_{*}L as follows.

i37 : Q=symExt(presentation Ltr, E);

              184      60
o37 : Matrix E    <-- E
i38 : T=(res (coker Q,LengthLimit=>12))**E^{{2,2}}[4];
i39 : cohomologyMatrix (T, -{5,5},{3,3})

o39 = | 0        0        0        0       0      0    0     96k 0   |
      | 0        0        0        0       0      0    0     60k 88k |
      | 60h      48h      36h      24h     12h    3h+3 12    0   0   |
      | 36h2+20h 28h2+16h 20h2+12h 12h2+8h 4h2+4h 5h+1 12h+4 0   0   |
      | 92h2     72h2     52h2     32h2    12h2   8h   28h   0   0   |
      | 168h2    132h2    96h2     60h2    24h2   12h  48h   0   0   |
      | 244h2    192h2    140h2    88h2    36h2   16h  68h   0   0   |
      | 320h2    252h2    184h2    116h2   48h2   20h  88h   0   0   |
      | 396h2    312h2    228h2    144h2   60h2   24h  108h  0   0   |

                       9               9
o39 : Matrix (ZZ[h, k])  <-- (ZZ[h, k])
i40 : sT=strand(T,{0,0},{0});
i41 : sTFull=new ChainComplex;
i42 : sTFull.ring = ring sT;
i43 : ma=6;
i44 : sTFull=(dual res (coker transpose (sT[ma]).dd_0, LengthLimit=>2*ma))[-ma];
i45 : (S',E')=productOfProjectiveSpaces({2},CoefficientField=>kk);
i46 : projOnE=map(E', E, toList(3:0)|(gens E'));

o46 : RingMap E' <-- E
i47 : mi=min sTFull; ma=max sTFull;
i49 : W=new ChainComplex; W.ring = E';
i51 : apply(toList(,i-> W_i = E'^(-apply(degrees sTFull_i,d->d_{1})));
i52 : apply(toList(,i->W.dd_i = map(W_(i-1),W_i,projOnE sTFull.dd_i));
i53 : betti W

             -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0  1  2  3  4  5  6
o53 = total: 24 20 16 12  9  8 9 12 16 20 24 28 32
          0: 22 18 14 10  6  3 1  .  .  .  .  .  .
          1:  2  2  2  2  3  5 8 12 16 20 24 28 32

o53 : BettiTally

One can check that W has two strands (corresponding to R^0f_{*}L and R^1f_{*}L, respectively). By taking the Beilinson functor, one can check that R^0f_{*}L is the structure sheaf on C, and R^1f_{*}L is a torsion sheaf supported on two points lying on the intersection of C and the line V(x_2) other than P, Q.

i54 : R0fL = prune HH^0 beilinson W

o54 = cokernel | x_(0,0)^4+x_(0,1)^4+x_(0,2)^4 |

o54 : S'-module, quotient of S'
i55 : R1fL = prune HH^1 beilinson W

o55 = cokernel | -131x_(0,2) 0       0       0       x_(0,0)  x_(0,1)            0       0       -131x_(0,2) 0       131x_(0,2) 0       |
               | x_(0,2)     x_(0,1) x_(0,0) 0       0        0                  0       0       0           0       0          0       |
               | 0           0       0       x_(0,2) -x_(0,1) x_(0,0)+439x_(0,1) 0       0       0           0       0          0       |
               | 0           0       0       0       0        0                  x_(0,2) x_(0,1) x_(0,0)     0       0          0       |
               | 0           0       0       0       0        0                  0       0       0           x_(0,2) x_(0,1)    x_(0,0) |

o55 : S'-module, quotient of S'
i56 : degree R0fL

o56 = 4
i57 : primaryDecomposition ann R0fL

              4      4      4
o57 = {ideal(x    + x    + x   )}
              0,0    0,1    0,2

o57 : List
i58 : degree R1fL

o58 = 2
i59 : primaryDecomposition ann R1fL

o59 = {ideal (x   , x    + 247x   ), ideal (x   , x    + 192x   ), ideal
               0,2   0,0       0,1           0,2   0,0       0,1        
      (x   , x   , x   )}
        0,1   0,0   0,2

o59 : List

These module also can be seen as in the following way via a finite linear projection. We take a further projection \pi:C\to P^1, and check whether these modules induce an action on the direct image under \pi, in other words, provide {O_C}-module structures. As results, these actions make (the sheafification of) M0 and M1 into {O_C}-modules which are identical to R^0f_{*}L and R^1f_{*}L.

i60 : J=ideal (S'_0^4+S'_1^4+S'_2^4);

o60 : Ideal of S'
i61 : retTable=actionOnDirectImage(J,W);
We take a finite projection from P^n to P^d as {x   , x   }
                                                 0,1   0,2
i62 : keys retTable

o62 = {0, 1}

o62 : List

We see that 0, 1 appear as keys, in other words, both R^0f_{*}L and R^1f_{*}L survives.

i63 : prunedActionList = i->apply(dim S',j->prune HH^i retTable#i#j);
i64 : apply(keys retTable, i->isAction(J,prunedActionList(i)))

o64 = {true, true}

o64 : List
i65 : M0=source (prunedActionList(0))_0

o65 = cokernel {2} | 0        -x_(0,1) 0        |
               {2} | x_(0,0)  0        0        |
               {2} | -x_(0,1) x_(0,0)  0        |
               {2} | 0        0        0        |
               {2} | 0        0        x_(0,0)  |
               {2} | 0        0        -x_(0,1) |
               {3} | 0        0        0        |

o65 : kk[x   ..x   ]-module, quotient of (kk[x   ..x   ])
          0,0   0,1                           0,0   0,1
i66 : (rank M0, degree M0, betti res M0)

                    0 1
o66 = (4, 4, total: 7 3)
                 2: 6 3
                 3: 1 .

o66 : Sequence
i67 : isIsomorphic(truncate(regularity M0, M0), truncate(regularity M0, dual dual M0))

o67 = true
i68 : dual dual M0

o68 = (kk[x   ..x   ])
           0,0   0,1

o68 : kk[x   ..x   ]-module, free, degrees {3, 2, 1, 0}
          0,0   0,1
i69 : M1=source (prunedActionList(1))_0

o69 = cokernel {2} | x_(0,1) 0       |
               {2} | 0       x_(0,1) |

o69 : kk[x   ..x   ]-module, quotient of (kk[x   ..x   ])
          0,0   0,1                           0,0   0,1
i70 : (rank M1, degree M1, betti res M1)

                    0 1
o70 = (0, 2, total: 2 2)
                 2: 2 2

o70 : Sequence

Note that the sheafification of M0 (=R^0(\pi \cdot f)_{*}L) is a rank 4 vector bundle O \oplus O(-1) \oplus O(-2) \oplus O(-3) on P^1, and the sheafification of M1 (= R^1(\pi \cdot f)_{*} L) is a torsion sheaf on P^1 supported on the double point at [1:0]. Together with the induced action on S', they have an O_C-module structure as desired.


Note that the resulting complex is a chain complex instead of a cochain complex, so that for example HH^i RpiM = HH_{-i} RpiM. Also note that this requires a pseudo-inverse computation of a split exact sequence, which might fail over finite fields (see SVDComplexes.m2 and its documentations).

See also

Ways to use actionOnDirectImage:

For the programmer

The object actionOnDirectImage is a method function.