EPY(A) or EPY(A,S) or EPY(I) or EPY(I,S)
Let $\mathrm{OS}$ denote the Orlik-Solomon algebra of the arrangement ${\mathcal A}$, regarded as a quotient of an exterior algebra $E$. The module $\mathrm{EPY}({\mathcal A})$ is, by definition, the $S$-module which is BGG-dual to the linear, injective resolution of $\mathrm{OS}$ as an $E$-module.
Equivalently, $\mathrm{EPY}({\mathcal A})$ is the single nonzero cohomology module in the Aomoto complex of ${\mathcal A}$. For details, see D. Eisenbud, S. Popescu, S. Yuzvinsky, "Hyperplane arrangement cohomology and monomials in the exterior algebra", Trans. AMS 355 (2003) no 11, 4365-4383, arXiv:math/9912212, as well as Sheaf Algorithms Using the Exterior Algebra, by Wolfram Decker and David Eisenbud, in Computations in algebraic geometry with Macaulay 2, Algorithms and Computations in Mathematics, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2001.
A consequence of the theory is that $\mathrm{EPY}({\mathcal A})$ has a linear, free resolution over the polynomial ring: namely, the Aomoto complex of ${\mathcal A}$. The Betti numbers in the resolution are, up to a suitable shift, equal to the degrees of the graded pieces of $\mathrm{OS}({\mathcal A})$.