The Orlik-Solomon algebra is the cohomology ring of the complement of the hyperplanes, either in complex projective or affine space. The optional Boolean argument Projective specifies which.
A fundamental property is that its Hilbert series is determined by combinatorics: namely, up to a change of variables, it is the characteristic polynomial of the matroid of the arrangement.
The cohomology ring of the complement of an arrangement in projective space is most naturally described as the subalgebra of the Orlik-Solomon algebra generated in degree $1$ by elements whose coefficients sum to $0$.
This is inconvenient for Macaulay2; on the other hand, one can choose a chart for projective space that places a hyperplane of the arrangement at infinity. This expresses the projective Orlik-Solomon algebra as a quotient of a polynomial ring.
By selecting the Projective option, the user can specify which hyperplane is placed at infinity. By default, the first one in order is used.
The coefficient rings of the Orlik-Solomon algebra and of the arrangement, respectively, are unrelated.