arrangement(L, R)
arrangement L
A hyperplane is an affine-linear subspace of codimension one. An arrangement is a finite set of hyperplanes. When each hyperplane contains the origin, the arrangement is central.
Probably the best-known hyperplane arrangement is the braid arrangement consisting of all the diagonal hyperplanes. In $4$-space, it is constructed as follows.
When a hyperplane arrangement is created from a product of linear forms, the order of the factors is not preserved.
The package can recognize that a polynomial splits into linear forms over the base field.
If we project onto a linear subspace, then we obtain an essential arrangement, meaning that the rank of the arrangement is equal to the dimension of its ambient vector space.
The trivial arrangement has no equations.
If the entries in $L$ are not ring elements in $R$, then the induced identity map is used to map them from the ring of first element in $L$ into $R$.