DegreeLimit -- an optional argument
A symbol used as the name of an optional argument.
Functions with optional argument named DegreeLimit:
adjoint(...,DegreeLimit=>...) (missing documentation)
compose(Module,Module,Module,DegreeLimit=>...) -- see compose -- composition as a pairing on Hom-modules
dual(ChainComplex,DegreeLimit=>...) (missing documentation)
dual(Matrix,DegreeLimit=>...) (missing documentation)
dual(SheafMap,DegreeLimit=>...) (missing documentation)
End(...,DegreeLimit=>...) -- see End -- module of endomorphisms
gb(...,DegreeLimit=>...) -- see gb -- compute a Gröbner basis
Hom(...,DegreeLimit=>...) -- see Hom -- module of homomorphisms
homomorphism'(...,DegreeLimit=>...) -- see homomorphism' -- get the element of Hom from a homomorphism
intersectInP(...,DegreeLimit=>...) -- see intersectInP(...,BasisElementLimit=>...) -- Option for intersectInP
minimalBetti(...,DegreeLimit=>...) -- see minimalBetti -- minimal betti numbers of (the minimal free resolution of) a homogeneous ideal or module
pushForward(...,DegreeLimit=>...) -- see pushForward(RingMap,Module)
saturate(...,DegreeLimit=>...) -- see quotient(...,DegreeLimit=>...)
analyticSpread(...,DegreeLimit=>...) -- see reesIdeal(...,DegreeLimit=>...) -- Bound the degrees considered in the saturation step. Defaults to infinity
associatedGradedRing(...,DegreeLimit=>...) -- see reesIdeal(...,DegreeLimit=>...) -- Bound the degrees considered in the saturation step. Defaults to infinity
distinguished(...,DegreeLimit=>...) -- see reesIdeal(...,DegreeLimit=>...) -- Bound the degrees considered in the saturation step. Defaults to infinity
isLinearType(...,DegreeLimit=>...) -- see reesIdeal(...,DegreeLimit=>...) -- Bound the degrees considered in the saturation step. Defaults to infinity
isReduction(...,DegreeLimit=>...) -- see reesIdeal(...,DegreeLimit=>...) -- Bound the degrees considered in the saturation step. Defaults to infinity
minimalReduction(...,DegreeLimit=>...) -- see reesIdeal(...,DegreeLimit=>...) -- Bound the degrees considered in the saturation step. Defaults to infinity
multiplicity(...,DegreeLimit=>...) -- see reesIdeal(...,DegreeLimit=>...) -- Bound the degrees considered in the saturation step. Defaults to infinity
normalCone(Ideal,DegreeLimit=>...) -- see reesIdeal(...,DegreeLimit=>...) -- Bound the degrees considered in the saturation step. Defaults to infinity
normalCone(Ideal,RingElement,DegreeLimit=>...) -- see reesIdeal(...,DegreeLimit=>...) -- Bound the degrees considered in the saturation step. Defaults to infinity
reesAlgebra(...,DegreeLimit=>...) -- see reesIdeal(...,DegreeLimit=>...) -- Bound the degrees considered in the saturation step. Defaults to infinity
reesIdeal(...,DegreeLimit=>...) -- Bound the degrees considered in the saturation step. Defaults to infinity
specialFiber(...,DegreeLimit=>...) -- see reesIdeal(...,DegreeLimit=>...) -- Bound the degrees considered in the saturation step. Defaults to infinity
specialFiberIdeal(...,DegreeLimit=>...) -- see reesIdeal(...,DegreeLimit=>...) -- Bound the degrees considered in the saturation step. Defaults to infinity
resolution(...,DegreeLimit=>...) -- compute only up to this degree
sheafHom(...,DegreeLimit=>...) (missing documentation)
syz(...,DegreeLimit=>...) -- see syz(Matrix) -- compute the syzygy matrix