Macaulay2 » Documentation
Packages » RandomMonomialIdeals :: randomMonomialSet(...,Strategy=>...)
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randomMonomialSet(...,Strategy=>...) -- optional input to choose the strategy for generating the random monomial set


Put Strategy => "ER" or Strategy => "Minimal" as an argument in the function randomMonomialSet, randomMonomialSets, or randomMonomialIdeals. "ER" draws random sets of monomials from the ER-type distribution $\mathcal B(n,D,p)$, while "Minimal" saves computation time by using quotient rings to exclude any non-minimal generators from the list. For randomMonomialSets with the number of generators of pre-specified degrees is the input, choosing Strategy => "Minimal" will result in larger minimal generating sets.

Further information

Functions with optional argument named Strategy: