invariants -- computes the generating invariants of a group action
- Usage:
invariants G
G, an instance of the type GroupAction, a specific type of group action on a polynomial ring
Optional inputs:
Strategy (missing documentation)
=> ..., default value UseNormaliz, the strategy used to compute diagonal invariants, options are UsePolyhedra or UseNormaliz.
DegreeBound => ..., default value infinity, degree bound for invariants of finite groups
DegreeLimit => ..., default value {}, GB option for invariants
SubringLimit => ..., default value infinity, GB option for invariants
UseCoefficientRing => ..., default value false, option to compute invariants over the given coefficient ring
UseLinearAlgebra => ..., default value false, strategy for computing invariants of finite groups
L, a list, a minimal set of generating invariants for the group action
This function is provided by the package InvariantRing. This function can be used to compute the generating invariants of a diagonal group action, finite group action or linearly reductive group action. It can also be used to compute a basis of a graded component of the invariant ring. Below is a list of the many ways to use this function:
Some optional inputs are only relevant to certain use cases of this method. Please consult the documentation pages for the different cases to learn which optional inputs are used.
See also
invariantRing -- the ring of invariants of a group action
isInvariant -- check whether a polynomial is invariant under a group action