homology(i, Delta, R)
Each abstract simplicial complex $\Delta$ determines a chain complex $\widetilde C(\Delta, k)$ of free modules over its coefficient ring $k$. For all integers $i$, the $i$-th term of $\widetilde C(\Delta, k)$ has a basis corresponding to the $i$-dimensional faces of $\Delta$. When the optional argument $R$ is included, the chain complex is tensored with $R$. The reduced homology of $\Delta$ with coefficients in $R$ is, by definition, the homology of $\widetilde C(\Delta, k) \otimes R$.
The $2$-sphere has vanishing first homology, but non-trivial second homology. We obtain a triangulation of the $2$-sphere by taking the $2$-skeleton of the $3$-simplex. Since homology groups are typically expressed as a subquotient, we prune the output to obtain a minimal presentation.
The reduced homology of the Klein bottle has torsion.
There are two "trivial" simplicial complexes: the irrelevant complex has the empty set as a facet whereas the void complex has no faces. Every abstract simplicial complex other than the void complex has a unique face of dimension $-1$.