Macaulay2 aims to provide all of the functionality of Macaulay, but the names of the functions are not the same, and there are other differences. One major difference is the introduction of the notion of module, whereas in Macaulay, the pervasive concept was the matrix.
Here is a list of old Macaulay functions, together with pointers to functions in Macaulay2 that might be used to replace them.
Macaulay commands:
ac -- such destructive changes are not allowed
add -- +
ar -- not documented yet
betti -- betti
calc -- not documented yet
cat -- not documented yet
ce -- not documented yet
characteristic -- char
chcalc -- not documented yet
codim -- codim
coef -- not documented yet
col_degree -- not documented yet
col_degs -- not documented yet
commands -- not documented yet
compress -- compress
concat -- |,||
continue -- not documented yet
contract -- contract
copy -- not documented yet
degree -- degree
determinants -- minors
diag -- The command diag m n is equivalent to the Macaulay2 expression
n = map((ring m)^(numgens source m), source m,(i,j) -> if i === j then m_(0,i) else 0)
diag -- not documented yet
diff -- diff
dshift -- not documented yet
dsum -- ++
edit -- not documented yet
edit_map -- not documented yet
elim -- selectInSubring
ev -- substitute,RingMap
exit -- quit
fetch -- substitute
flatten -- flatten
forcestd -- forceGB
help -- help
help_file -- not documented yet
hilb -- hilbertSeries,hilbertPolynomial,hilbertFunction,poincare
hilb_numer -- hilbertSeries
homog -- homogenize
hulb -- not documented yet
ideal -- ideal, matrix
iden -- id
if -- if
imap -- map
in -- leadTerm
inpart -- not documented yet
int -- not documented yet
intersect -- intersect
is_zero -- ==
jacob -- jacobian
jump -- not documented yet
k-basis -- basis
k_basis -- basis
keep -- not documented yet
kill -- not documented yet
koszul -- koszul
lift -- //
lift_std -- gb
listvars -- listUserSymbols
mat -- matrix
max -- max
mc -- not documented yet
min -- min
modulo -- modulo
monitor -- using Macaulay2 with emacs
monitoring -- not documented yet
monoms -- not documented yet
monprimes -- not documented yet
mr -- not documented yet
mult -- *
ncols -- use numgens source m
nres -- resolution
nrows -- use numgens target m
numinfo -- not documented yet
nvars -- use numgens R
outer -- **
path -- path
pc -- not documented yet
pfaff -- pfaffians
pmap -- not documented yet
poly -- not documented yet
power -- ^
pr -- not documented yet
pres <C:complex> -- Use C.dd or print C.dd
present_ring -- not documented yet
pring -- not documented yet
prmat -- print or toString
putchange -- not documented yet
putmat -- not documented yet
putstd -- not documented yet
qring <I:ideal> <result A:ring> -- In Macaulay2, if I is an ideal, then A = (ring I)/I is equivalent, except that in Macaulay2, a Gröbner basis of I is computed for you, if it is needed
quit -- quit
quotient -- not documented yet
random -- not documented yet
reduce -- not documented yet
res -- not documented yet
reset -- restart
ring -- not documented yet
ring-from-rows -- not documented yet
ring_from_cols -- not documented yet
ring_from_rows -- not documented yet
ring_sum -- not documented yet
rmap -- not documented yet
row_degree -- not documented yet
row_degs -- not documented yet
sat -- saturate
set -- not documented yet
set_value -- not documented yet
setcoldegs -- not documented yet
setdegs -- not documented yet
setring -- use
shout -- not documented yet
size -- not documented yet
smult -- *
space -- not documented yet
spairs -- not documented yet
spare -- not documented yet
sparse -- not documented yet
std -- not documented yet
std_minimal -- not documented yet
stdpart -- not documented yet
submat -- submatrix
subtract -- -
syz -- syz,kernel
tensor <matrix M> <matrix N> <result matrix M.N> -- cokernel M ** cokernel N
trace -- trace
transpose -- transpose
truncate -- truncate(ZZ,Module)
type -- not documented yet
version -- version
wedge -- minors,exteriorPower
Macaulay scripts from 'scriptsde':
Macaulay scripts from 'scriptsmj':
Macaulay scripts from 'scriptsms':
add <matrix> <matrix> <matrix>
Add matrices
m and
n, using
result = m + n. In general, arithmetic in Macaulay2 is done using natural mathematical expressions. See
betti <res>
Display the graded betti numbers of a chaincomplex or resolution
C using
betti C. See
calc <computation> [hi degree]
chcalc <computation> [new hi deg]
Compute the Gröbner basis of
m up to a given degree, using
gb(m, DegreeLimit=>3). Similarly, if a computation in Macaulay2 has been halted by pressing <CTRL>-C, the computation can be restarted from where it left off, by giving the original command, e.g.,
gb m.
cat <first var(0..numvars-1)> <result matrix>
Macaulay1 then also prompts for two lists of integers, say
rows and
cols. The resulting catalecticant matrix can be obtained in Macaulay2 in the following way.
i1 : R = QQ[a..h]
o1 = R
o1 : PolynomialRing
i2 : rows = {0,1,2}
o2 = {0, 1, 2}
o2 : List
i3 : cols = {0,3}
o3 = {0, 3}
o3 : List
i4 : result = map(R^3, 2, (i,j) -> R_(rows_i + cols_j))
o4 = | a d |
| b e |
| c f |
3 2
o4 : Matrix R <-- R
characteristic <ring> [result integer]
To obtain the characteristic of a ring
R, use
char R. See
codim <standard basis> [integer result]
When computing the codimension of an ideal or module
M, a Gröbner basis is computed automatically, if needed. Use
codim M.One use of this command in Macaulay1 was to compute the codimension of a partially computed Gröbner basis.
coef <matrix> <result monoms> <result coefs> [variable list]
To obtain the matrices of monomials and their coefficients, use
coefficients. The following example obtains the coefficients of the variable
a (which is variable number 0)
i5 : R = ZZ/101[a..d];
i6 : m = matrix{{a^2+a^2*c+a*b+3*d}}
o6 = | a2c+a2+ab+3d |
1 1
o6 : Matrix R <-- R
i7 : result = coefficients(m, Variables => {a})
o7 = (| a2 a 1 |, {2} | c+1 |)
{1} | b |
{0} | 3d |
o7 : Sequence
i8 : result_0
o8 = | a2 a 1 |
1 3
o8 : Matrix R <-- R
i9 : result_1
o9 = {2} | c+1 |
{1} | b |
{0} | 3d |
3 1
o9 : Matrix R <-- R
col_degree <matrix> <column> [result integer]
To obtain the degree of the
i-th column of a matrix
m, use
(degrees source m)_i. See
degrees. Note that in Macaulay2, one can use multi-degrees, so the result is a list of integers. Also all indices in Macaulay2 start at 0.
i10 : R = QQ[a,b,Degrees=>{{1,0},{1,-1}}];
i11 : m = matrix{{a*b, b^2}}
o11 = | ab b2 |
1 2
o11 : Matrix R <-- R
i12 : (degrees source m)_0
o12 = {2, -1}
o12 : List
col_degs <matrix> [column degrees]
Compute the list of degrees of the columns of a matrix
m using
degrees source m. The result is a list of degrees. Each degree is itself a list of integers, since multi-degrees are allowed.
Using Macaulay2 in emacs, type the first few letters of a command, then hit <TAB>. The list of all commands starting with those letters will be displayed, or if there is only one, emacs will complete the typing for you.
compress <matrix> <result matrix>
Remove columns of a matrix
m which are entirely zero using
compress m. See
concat <matrix> <matrix2> ... <matrix n>
Concatenate matrices
m2, ...,
mn using
m1 | m2 | ... | mn. See
|. The main difference is that in Macaulay2 this command does not overwrite the first matrix.
In Macaulay2, one interrupts a computation using <CTRL>-C, as in Macaulay1. Restart the computation using the original command. For Gröbner basis and resolution commands, the computation starts off where it left off.
contract <ideal> <ideal> <result matrix>
To contract the matrix
n by the matrix
m use
contract(m,n). See
contract. In Macaulay2, the arguments are not constrained to be matrices with one row.
copy <existing matrix> <copy of matrix>
Since matrices in Macaulay2 are immutable objects, this command is no longer necessary. One can still make a copy of a matrix. For example
i13 : R = ZZ/101[a..d]
o13 = R
o13 : PolynomialRing
i14 : m = matrix{{a,b},{c,d}}
o14 = | a b |
| c d |
2 2
o14 : Matrix R <-- R
i15 : copym = map(target m, source m, entries m)
o15 = | a b |
| c d |
2 2
o15 : Matrix R <-- R
degree <standard basis> [integer codim] [integer degree]
When computing the degree of an ideal or module
M, a Gröbner basis is computed automatically, if needed. Use
degree M. Note that in Macaulay2,
degree returns only the degree. Use
codim M to obtain the codimension.One use of this command in Macaulay1 was to compute the degree of a partially computed Gröbner basis.
determinants <matrix> <p> <result>
minors(p,m) to compute the ideal of p by p minors of the matrix
m. See
diag <matrix> <result>
To make a diagonal matrix whose diagonal entries are taken from a matrix
m, it is necessary to build the matrix directly, as in the following example.
i16 : R = ZZ[a..d];
i17 : m = matrix{{a^2,b^3,c^4,d^5}}
o17 = | a2 b3 c4 d5 |
1 4
o17 : Matrix R <-- R
i18 : map(R^(numgens source m), source m,
(i,j) -> if i === j then m_(0,i) else 0)
o18 = | a2 0 0 0 |
| 0 b3 0 0 |
| 0 0 c4 0 |
| 0 0 0 d5 |
4 4
o18 : Matrix R <-- R
diff <ideal> <ideal> <result matrix>
To differentiate the matrix
n by the matrix
m use
diff(m,n). See
diff. In Macaulay2, the arguments are not constrained to be matrices with one row.
dshift <matrix> <degree to shift by>
To shift the degrees of a matrix
m by an integer
d, use
m ** (ring m)^{-d}. See
**. Note that this returns a matrix with the degrees shifted, and does not modify the original matrix
m. For example
i19 : R = ZZ[a..d];
i20 : m = matrix{{a,b^2},{c^2,d^3}}
o20 = | a b2 |
| c2 d3 |
2 2
o20 : Matrix R <-- R
i21 : betti m
0 1
o21 = total: 2 2
0: 2 .
1: . 1
2: . 1
o21 : BettiTally
i22 : n = m ** R^{-1}
o22 = {1} | a b2 |
{1} | c2 d3 |
2 2
o22 : Matrix R <-- R
i23 : betti n
0 1
o23 = total: 2 2
1: 2 .
2: . 1
3: . 1
o23 : BettiTally
dsum <matrix> ... <matrix> <result>
To form the direct sum of matrices
m1, m2, ..., mn, use
m1 ++ m2 ++ ... ++ mn. See
elim <standard basis> <result matrix> [n]
To select the columns of the matrix
m which lie in the subring defined by the first
n slots of the monomial order being zero, use
selectInSubring(n,m). Usually, one uses the value of 1 for
ev <ideal> <matrix> <changed matrix>
In Macaulay2, one uses ring maps, or
substitute to substitute variables. If
m is a matrix in a ring
R having
n variables, and
f is a 1 by n matrix over some ring, then use
substitute(m,f) to perform the substitution. For example,
i24 : R = QQ[a..d]
o24 = R
o24 : PolynomialRing
i25 : S = QQ[s,t]
o25 = S
o25 : PolynomialRing
i26 : m = matrix{{a^2-d, b*c}}
o26 = | a2-d bc |
1 2
o26 : Matrix R <-- R
i27 : f = matrix{{s^4,s^3*t,s*t^3,t^4}}
o27 = | s4 s3t st3 t4 |
1 4
o27 : Matrix S <-- S
i28 : substitute(m,f)
o28 = | s8-t4 s4t4 |
1 2
o28 : Matrix S <-- S
In Macaulay2, one may also create and apply ring maps
i29 : F = map(R,R,{b,c,d,a})
o29 = map (R, R, {b, c, d, a})
o29 : RingMap R <-- R
i30 : m + F m + F F m + F F F m
o30 = | a2+b2+c2+d2-a-b-c-d ab+bc+ad+cd |
1 2
o30 : Matrix R <-- R
Or one may substitute for only some variables
i31 : substitute(m, {a=>1, b=>3})
o31 = | -d+1 3c |
1 2
o31 : Matrix R <-- R
exit to quit Macaulay2.
fetch <matrix> <result matrix> [ones, default=zeros]
In order to bring a matrix
m to a ring
S which has ring variables of the same name, use
i32 : R = ZZ[s,t]
o32 = R
o32 : PolynomialRing
i33 : m = s^2+t^2
2 2
o33 = s + t
o33 : R
i34 : S = R[a..d]
o34 = S
o34 : PolynomialRing
i35 : substitute(m,S)
2 2
o35 = s + t
o35 : S
flatten <matrix> <result ideal of entries>
In order to form a one row matrix with the entries of a matrix
m, use
flatten m. See
forcestd <matrix> <result standard basis> [change of basis]
In order to inform the system that the columns of the matrix
m form a Gröbner basis, use
forceGB m. See
homog <matrix> <homog variable> <new matrix>
To homogenize a matrix
m with respect to a variable
x, use
homogenize(m,x). One may also homogenize with respect to a given weight vector. See
ideal <resulting matrix>
To enter a one row matrix, use we may use the following method.
i36 : R = ZZ[a..d]
o36 = R
o36 : PolynomialRing
i37 : f = matrix{{a^2-b*c,3*b*c^4-1}}
o37 = | a2-bc 3bc4-1 |
1 2
o37 : Matrix R <-- R
Remember that ideals, modules, and matrices are all different in Macaulay2. One can easily change between them, as in:
i38 : J = ideal f
2 4
o38 = ideal (a - b*c, 3b*c - 1)
o38 : Ideal of R
i39 : generators J
o39 = | a2-bc 3bc4-1 |
1 2
o39 : Matrix R <-- R
i40 : image f
o40 = image | a2-bc 3bc4-1 |
o40 : R-module, submodule of R
i41 : cokernel f
o41 = cokernel | a2-bc 3bc4-1 |
o41 : R-module, quotient of R
iden <size> <result>
To make the identity map on a module
F, use
id_F, as in
i42 : id_(R^4)
o42 = | 1 0 0 0 |
| 0 1 0 0 |
| 0 0 1 0 |
| 0 0 0 1 |
4 4
o42 : Matrix R <-- R
if <integer> <label1> [<label2>]
For conditional execution, use the if-then or if-then-else statement
int <name> <new value>
To assign a value to a variable in Macaulay2, use
=. For example,
i43 : myanswer = 2*(numgens R) - 1
o43 = 7
Warning: In Macaulay1, names of variables in rings, and user defined variables are completely separate. In Macaulay2, if you assign something to a ring variable, it will assume its new value.
i44 : R = ZZ/31991[a..d]
o44 = R
o44 : PolynomialRing
i45 : a
o45 = a
o45 : R
i46 : a = 43
o46 = 43
i47 : a
o47 = 43
i48 : use R
o48 = R
o48 : PolynomialRing
i49 : a
o49 = a
o49 : R
intersect <mat 1> ... <mat n> <result computation>
To intersect ideals, or submodules
I1, I2, ..., In, use
intersect(I1,I2,...,In). The main difference is that these values cannot be matrices, they must be ideals or submodules. A second difference is that the computation, if interrupted, must be restarted at the beginning. See
intersect. For example,
i50 : I = ideal(a^2-b,c-1,d^2-a*b)
2 2
o50 = ideal (a - b, c - 1, - a*b + d )
o50 : Ideal of R
i51 : J = ideal(a*b-1, c*d-2)
o51 = ideal (a*b - 1, c*d - 2)
o51 : Ideal of R
i52 : intersect(I,J)
2 3
o52 = ideal (c d - c*d - 2c + 2, a*b*c - a*b - c + 1, c*d - a*b*d + 2a*b -
2 2 2 2 2 2
c*d - 2d + d, a c*d - b*c*d - 2a + 2b, a b*d - b c*d - 2a b + a*c*d +
2 2 2 2 2 3 2 2
2b - a*d, a b - a*b*d - a*b + d , a b - a*b - a + b)
o52 : Ideal of R
is_zero <poly> <result integer: 1 if zero, else 0>
To decide whether a polynomial, matrix, ideal, etc.,
f is zero, use
f == 0. The resulting value is a Boolean: either
true, or
false. See
jacob <ideal> <resulting jacobian> [variable list]
To find the Jacobian matrix of an ideal or one row matrix
f, use
jacobian f. If you only wish to differentiate with some of the variables, use
diff instead. See
jump <label>
Macaulay2 has no go to statements. Instead, you should use the control structures.